Absolutely reckless and ridiculous move by this clown car of an administration. Three years after Covid and this bullshit will still be going on. Indefensible.
Link: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-11-22/white-house-to-extend-student-loan-payment-pause-up-to-june-30?srnd=premium&leadSource=uverify%20wall
Let the Dems reinstate taxes, those mean bastards.
So...when does a "pause" become forgiveness? 3 years? 4 years? 10 years?
Such complete and utter bullshit.
1) It will be difficult to locate the borrowers because it's been 3 freaking years and people move, etc.
2) The borrowers have gotten used to not making these payments. It will be a hardship for almost all of them when they are forced to start again. You'll get hundreds of Huffpost, NYT, and WAPO articles about poor communications majors not realizing they had to repay this. In the meantime, their circumstances changed because they adopted ten Dreamer kids from Guatemala, etc.
3) It is completely unjustified by the circumstances of Covid right now. Joe "The Pandemic is Over!" Biden.
4) We need the money.
...and no one notices the end run they are making around the law and the courts. Banana republic stuff.
(no message)