Some statistics regarding those who take on loans. Like middle class tax cuts, it is designed to supposedly spend money on things such has home purchases, etc. The counter argument that tax payers are on the hook is ridiculous. First of all these people pay taxes as well. Secondly, no new taxes have been issued to take more money out of your pocket to cover the relief. If you're not mad at corporate tax cuts then you can't belly ache about this.
that lack of payment has to be booked somewhere, moron.
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fiscal responsibility. Anymore it’s just how and where you want to waste the money.
By the way the loan forgiveness is a pandering terrible idea.
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This is about fairness. This is disgustingly unfair, and it is purely an attempt to buy votes.
I joined the military to save on education costs.
I paid my loans. I saved and paid for all my kids. Fuck any party or any person who supports this...unless they want to pay for all the tuitions I paid at a similar level.
The amazing thing is that this all comes out of Obamacare...when we had to pass the bill before we could see what was in it. At the time, even I didn't think Obama was that crass to try to buy votes like this by paying the banks and then forgiving the debt. But, it is one of the ways Dems stay in power. Fuck the Democrats for this.
It is unfair to the families who responsibly saved money to pay for their kids’ tuitions.
I do favor public service as a path to forgive student loans.
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This is one issue that I am very passionate about......obviously. There is no way to defend this. And yet, Quest4Biden, a paid shill for the DNC, comes here and raises the issue on his own. Shameful.
Conor raised a good point. Why not have them work off their debt by serving? It’s like earning the GI Bill in reverse.
It was Bidens campaign promise but they all pander. You just move here?
Why aren’t you as mad that the middle class tax cuts weren’t permanent?
Why not reward the smart and diligent people? Because they won't fall for your bullshit?
If the Dems keep pushing this without offering to pay the many tuitions I've paid, then they are dead to me. Fuck them.
You probably even majored in some privileged field that landed you a job with other privileged college loans payers.
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Independent thought is more dangerous than unvaccinated children going to school.
Amazingly, they all chose degrees that would get them good jobs.
Conor would call that tough love...while he hands out money to people who choose hobby degrees. Tough love enables people. If he enables his own party's voters, they might not need his party handouts anymore. So, they get the drug...the handouts. Keep them hooked on government assistance. Quest4Biden is here to spread the propaganda.
I wonder if it will have any effect on inflation.
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In fact, it exacerbates it.
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