After all, when the crisis comes, he’ll probably be long gone. So who cares. MAGA!
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Sad fact is that as of this moment, neither party cares about the debt. Each party only pretends to care about it when they want to stop the other party from spending on an issue they don't like.
and maybe worse with their tax cuts on top of reckless spending.
The real reckoning in this nation is gonna come over those issues and not the current crappy we are fighting over.
GOP is as bad on spending. We agree there.
I support tax cuts, though...for an admittedly cynical reason. If we are not going to cut spending at all, then let's just do as much debt as we can. Maybe we will wake up. But, if we don't, we might as well leave as much in my pockets as possible. I can prepare for the collapse. No reason to steal from me. More taxes will just enable more spending, and I see no reason to do that. Once we cut spending, I will agree to tax increases, but I need a show of good faith by our parties first.
We will be remembered as the worst generation that couldn’t step up to the plate.
If Trump appoints someone as chief economic advisor who has an economics degree rather than a music degree, that alone would be reason enough to vote for Trump.
help solve the problem. Thinking like yours and some of your compadres on the other side is why we are in this mess.
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You can remind me when it’s mine.
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Until polls show that changing retirement entitlements would be a winner... I'm afraid we are stuck.
As to culture wars... I wish they would just go away. I see all that as private matters not public ones.
achieving balance.
Chickens are coming home to roost for not addressing these matters such as the Bowles-Simpson Commission Report (that got tossed in the circular file) recommended.