Abortion/IVF will debated next week…and is likely the key issue in this election…which is why DJT is having such a hard time figuring out which the wind is coming from that would fill his sails to the WH.
Link: https://www.masslive.com/westernmass/2024/09/abortion-issue-belongs-in-medical-office-not-oval-office-paul-chiampa.html?outputType=amp
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issue. I've posted about this...try doing a search and get back to us with what might link the two issues.
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section the paragraph (2309) from the Catholic Catechism that deals with "Just War"...
and as you may have seen previously, Pope Francis said nearly two years ago that the "Personhood" of a fetus is a "debated" subject w/in the RCC...and not official teaching.
Now that you've jumped in on this issue...what are your responses to the questions I asked ELP...and anyone else on this Forum?
Link: https://theconversation.com/what-the-bible-actually-says-about-abortion-may-surprise-you-186983
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"Personhood" of a fetus...but also strongly encourages seeking "Life", as well as "Dignity" for all living persons...ergo, the need for "Prudential Judgement" when difficult situations arise (e.g. Forced or Coerced Pregnancies...and innocent nations/citizens being unjustly attacked by others). Is this making any sense to you?
If I was a Catholic, and I thought I was a member of his church, I would consider what his opinion would be to be far more than "conjecture".
I am pro choice with reasonable limits. I respect people like Bill Maher who acknowledge that abortion is homicide but they are for it anyways because the good outweighs the bad. But I can't accept the hypocrisy of draping yourself in Christianity and supporting it.
It's obvious, Jesus would be pro life. No ifs, ands or buts.
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You all think you know what's best for states you never even visited before? The left won't be happy until every single unborn child has the potential of being on the chopping block until the moment of birth and beyond. No restrictions at taxpayers expense, including illegals. The very same illegals that you all run away from. We've come a long way from safe, legal and rare. Stay the hell out of everybody's business.
...1) for totally innocent female babies who grow to child bearing age and are forced or coerced into pregnancies they never wanted...what is your solution to their problem?
...2) for those same persons, if they choose to have a child but suffer a miscarriage, should they be investigated for a possible abortion?...or if they face a medical problem that could jeopardize their health or life, should they be denied medical care by any physician for fear of them (Docs) losing their license?
...3) for those persons who are unable to conceive a child naturally, should they be denied IVF treatment...even if their religion (e.g. Judaism) believes "Personhood" begins at birth?
Asking on behalf of those who believe that all religions...or even Atheism...should be respected, and no one religious belief should be imposed on others...as set forth in our First Amendment.
One other question...Why should government get involved in citizens' reproductive decisions?
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incomplete discernment...why do you keep avoiding them?...have those circumstances NEVER crossed your mind?...do you not care at all what happens to them?...or are you admitting that you're unable to exercise "Prudential Judgement"...as in the analogous case of "Just Wars" in the RCC Catechism...and can't make the tough call?
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