In addition, I hate to assume but MAGApublicans are either mentally disabled or too stupid to keep mispronouncing her names.
I also would like to know if Liz Warren still has that half opened can of beer somewhere in her fridge that she was pretend sipping.
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Black Americans (and women) were very much over-represented in those crowds, based on the percentage of population. It was interesting to see the Democrat policies which encouraged urban riots create a lot of legal gun owners in urban gun owners who may not want to give them up now.
But, it would be interesting to find out kind of gun Harris owns, don't you think? Is it an actual, usable gun for self-defense?...or great-great-grandpa's rusted .32 used in the Spanish American War?
If she really believes in private citizen gun ownership (by owning the former of the two above), that could swing a lot of people her way in the election.
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Willy Brown?
Weird I don't see you talking about all the skanks Trump slayed... while married.
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Harris doesn’t get a pass because of Trump’s behavior.
He cheated on wifey 2, with a woman young enough to be his daughter.
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that fat Orange frame.
Your hypocrisy knows no bounds.
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Or WASPS who name their houses.
So I just assumed she named it.