No wonder they boo this jerk on draft day.
18 game seasons:
He would cut pre-season exhibition games to only 2. Then, he would have a ball-busting 18 game regular season. Who in the hell could make it through 18 games? Isn't he supposed to care about players' safety? The teams that will win are the ones that will have enough bodies left on their roster to field a team. Why not dress them up as gladiators and re-open the Colosseum in Rome?
16 international games yearly:
England would continue as a venue with Ireland and Brazil as the next targets. And other countries would be targeted. Goodell wants to stretch his greedy tentacles as far and as fast as he can.
Foreign Super Bowls:
Why doesn't Rog just follow the Olympic model and have Super Bowls at various sites throughout the world?
Screw, America, globalist greed is good!
The draft day boos for this clown should reach fever pitch now.
the players get millions to play and the game has gotten less and less physical over the years, QBs are treated like their made of glass/candy.
Why does it matter where the Super Bowl is played? It’s not like regular people in the host cities can get tickets
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