The first in-person votes are 6 votes. The result is split between Trump and Harris.
Trump: 3
Harris: 3
This is reported by Wapo
it tipped over.
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Many blue states — irrelevant to electoral swing state count — will still turnout voters on a large scale.
I would be stunned if Kamala loses nation’s popular vote. The flip side is that Kamala could win popular vote by 4-5 million, yet Trump could surpass 300 electoral votes if he edges out Kamala in 4-5 swing states.
I think Harris has a commanding lead in the men with out balls demographic, though.
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Hills won by 2.9 mil. Old Joe 7 mil.
Let me be more explicit.
Is he saying Kamala only winning by 5.5 M indicates she's a terrible candidate, or is he questioning the number and type of people that would vote for "Hitler" over her? The cleverness of it all was subtle.
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23 million stupid people;
141 million illegals;
236 million manufactured.
kinda like 2020.
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