We voted for him in 2020 to end the Trump Show and do some good deeds for 4 years, then allow a younger generation to step in and run for office.
Instead, the old coot clung to power, like many have throughout history, until the bitter end, preventing us from choosing a new candidate.
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aren’t popular and they’ve bent at the knee to the far left faction of their party. Most people are in the middle leaning a little left or right. The American people finally said enough is enough. They want common sense.
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She had over 2.1 billion dollars poured into her campaign by either direct donations, or other contributions.
She had almost all of the mainstream media fawning over her, and lobbing her softball questions (that she already had been given well in advance).
She had the best people coaching her on what to say.
She had almost all of Hollywood, and almost all of the pop music stars endorsing her.
Equally as important, she had the label of a "woman of color" attached to her.
The fact that she fell flat on her face shows that she was simply a terrible candidate. The mainstream media and co. tried their best to prop her up, but she still ended up slumping. She was entirely unqualified for the job, and it's obvious that she was horribly unqualified even to be VP for the last 4 years.
If I were a betting man, I would have gladly wagered dollars to dimes, that Josh Shapiro (easily the best potential POTUS Democratic candidate) would have done a better job with even 1/4th of the money that was given to her. He might not have won it all, but at least the race would have been respectable, and he would have had excellent momentum built up for a 2028 run.
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