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Plus I will root for the blues when Chelsea play Gunners tomorrow. Deal?
Link: https://forum.uhnd.com/forum/index.php?action=display&forumid=2&msgid=221597
Jim and Prof can’t condescend anymore.
It’s yin and yang folks.
Link: https://www.yahoo.com/news/trumps-win-many-despondent-americans-064307329.html
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Jesus teaches His disciples to discern who they correct. They should not correct people who are unwilling to receive correction, people who will respond with hostility
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Let them wallow.
Why would anyone beg them to come back?
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Jim and 94 have had their condescension impaired.
They have been mentally demoted.
Let sleeping dogs lie.
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Nothing has changed.
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Your candidate won.
Now that he is President Elect, I support him. I hope he does the right things and I hope he’s successful. You won’t see me bitching about Trump for the next four years. What you will see me do is continue to ridicule you and the other idiots on the board. It’s what I do…I enjoy it. Now, kindly fuck off, you Chicom murderous cunt.
You're againt Trump's policy, Trump's vision and Trump's value. What's the point you're going to support Trump and hope him successful? Imitating those politicians to make gesture? Stupid. His success only further proves you're dumb.
And I won’t be a whimpering cunt like you and your comrades were. If Trump succeeds, America succeeds. FYI, it’s like that with every president. Crawl back in your Chicom hole, dumb ass.
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But I’m not surprised. Your schtick got old a long time ago.
You always have been. You’re a miserable old man.
Are you the same way with your family and the one or two friends you have? Are you still bitter because ND rejected your son years ago? How ‘bout them Gators?!?!
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because if you’ve read his posts, not one of them is positive. He’s a dick. I give you a pass in this area because you’re absolutely the dumbest former physician in history. No offense intended.
But I can readily tell he is a fine gentleman and a great representative of our lady’s university. I have you blocked but stupidly logout sometimes to see the crap being spewed by you and several others. I have commented multiple times about your vulgarity and the hatred you spew towards anyone who disagrees with you. Like I said you are a sad individual, I’ve lost any respect I might have had for your military service because you are a very lowlife form of human being. You wear your negativity on your sleeve with the comments you make about anyone who disagrees with you. It’s so obvious you aren’t an ND grad and perhaps aren’t even college educated.
and you know it…
No, I’m not an ND grad, but I exemplify ND values a hell of a lot more than you, Baron, and many other ND grads. You voted for and support a rapist, liar, and convict. You’re a piece of shit who is too much of a pussy to face your adversaries …instead, you place them on ignore, resort to bullshit claims, and suck SEC dick. My hope is that you read this and reflect on your inadequacies.
Perhaps you are off your meds?
If I recall you are the same piece of work who threatened to come to Atlanta years ago to find me.
You have serious issues. Get help. Take your meds.
And stop pretending you’re a Notre Dame fan. You are a despicable human being and I am quite sure most folks here agree.
Notre Dame wouldn’t come within 10 feet of you. Hell, I do t think a community college would accept you.
Please share a post where I wanted to come to Atlanta to find you. Don’t flatter yourself. You’re just an old retired, bitter, sad old man. I pity you and all those that are forced to be in your life. If you truly are an ND grad (I have my doubts), you’re an incredible disgrace. You make stupid assumptions, you’re bitter because your son didn’t get into ND, you’re a Trump cock sucker, and you’re a pussy.
I’m highly educated, highly decorated, and highly compensated. Eat a bag of dicks.
Your schtick hasn’t changed a bit. On consecutive days you threatened to come to Atlanta and then invited me to San Diego. I’m guessing you were 16-17 yrs old then but clearly your maturity level hasn’t improved.
Odd, you have such a poor memory for an immature little punk.
I don’t have those messages anymore, but if I did send them…the offer is still open.
You are an insecure, bitter, miserable old man. Nothing will ever change. Hey, did you know that bottling up all that hatred your whole life is bad for your health? Here’s some advice…don’t come to San Diego or if you do, don’t invite me to meet you…take your nitro, take a nap (not a permanent one because I don’t wish you dead), gargle some Trump cock, and try not to beat your wife.
And you continue to prove to the board what a white piece of trash you are. It’s really quite comical to watch.
Here’s the point of order. Show me a post where I said my son didn’t get into Notre Dame. I’ll be waiting. He not only got into Notre Dame but he also got into Duke, Georgia Tech and a host of other schools. He wound up going to a Top 10 engineering school (Florida) and is now a successful engineer.
The reason I pointed out the board mails from 12 years ago is because you lied and claimed you never sent them.
Typical white trash behavior which we’ve all come to expect from you.
I notice you have NEVER said which community college you graduated from, or which McDonalds you flip hamburgers at.
It’s ironic you describe yourself in the manner you do yet act like a white piece of trash. You prove my point every time you touch a keyboard. Success doesn’t mean you moved up to French fries bud.
Liar. Not a surprise because you’re pretty despicable. An internet tough guy. So much to be proud of yet there seems to actually be virtually nothing to be proud of.
Everything I’ve claimed is easily verifiable. Your claims…not so much.
And not remembering something hardly constitutes a lie. As I’ve said, if I did truly send those “invites”, they stand.
You’re a pathetic excuse of a “man”. I put “man” in quotes, because I have my doubts about how you identify. You’re too much of a bitch to be sure.
And I may have it wrong regarding your son. I recall you having a grievance with ND either about him not getting in or him not getting a full ride scholarship. Either way, you were a little bitch about it.
Regarding lying about invites to beat your ass, I don’t recall sending those, but if I did, the invites stand. I’d gladly bitch slap you:
Since you’re picking through old bmails, I sent you one more recently that had personal info. If you seek validation on me, please ask Jakers. He knows a lot about my personal life.
White trash voted for Trump. I find it hilarious that some dim bulb from Georgia calls an upstanding, generous, educated, successful, and great American like me…”white trash”. You’re a loser. Your son couldn’t get into ND, so you go on an ageless bitch fest. It’s unfortunate that your supposed school didn’t let your kid in. Bwahahaha! That will always be comical and I know you regret the day that you divulged that info!!!
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Link: https://youtu.be/GtkST5-ZFHw
Barry is a liar
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