Brought up nothing but concerns and alleged negative aspects about Trump's picks. Four years ago I guarantee they did not do this and instead promoted their backgrounds and qualifications.
Defund PBS.
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Anyone who opposes this doesn't take issues like climate change seriously.
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afraid to get interviewed by anyone on FOX. On top of all that, he's a loving and committed father to two kids. On the performance measure as Transportation Sec'y, he oversaw the full opening of the Baltimore Shipping Channel after the Key Bridge collapse in just TWO MONTHS.
had 7 of his own bankruptcies.
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How dare they even mention qualifications after all of their many failures. But if liberals are one thing above all else, it is self unaware.
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Don’t defund Spacex or reduce billionaire tax cuts.
....well, except hope that somehow conservative John Thune didn't really mean it today when he inferred that he would "play ball" with trump on his mandate.
You can't go from he's Hitler, end of democracy, use the military against citizens to these nominations aren't qualified or they're dangerous. No one gives a fuck and they give less fucks about appointments.
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