They seem to desire tearing everything down but don’t have a plan for reorganization.
The passion for Bitcoin seems to symbolize this phenomenon. Our financial system evolved for centuries with lots of manic/depressive phases and gradual balance. Now we are going to junk it for a trendy smarter than thou fantasy?
I lean libertarian and yearn for efficiency… but not chaos.
You folks are incredible. To answer your question it’s the next best thing to anarchy.
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We are now a nation of simpletons, idjits that are duped to watch things like the Tyson/Paul spectacle.
Try to empathize with the other side. It will do you wonders to be able to understand them.
read your own less than empathetic posts about them? Jeez man, live by your own words.
Even the needed departments that are corrupt to the core that are torn down will be built back - but more efficiently.
There are some completely superfluous departments and even worse - negative departments. Those will be eliminated (Dept of Education).
The goal is a more efficient government, but less government. That is quite a bit different from chaos. In fact, I would argue that our bloated, politicized govt has achieved its own level of chaos.
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