his debate over COVID-19 Shutdowns with former Dean of Yale Medical School, Dr. Sten Vermund...below is that debate which runs ~1:40:00...their Opening Remarks should be sufficient to judge Dr. Bhattacharya and run only to the 42:45 mark...btw, Dr. Vermund's Bio is linked...note his expertise in Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sten_H._Vermund
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Why is it you completely ignored the MANY epidemiologists who disagree with your vaunted hero and your prevailing narrative? Are you saying all these epidemiologists who disagreed with the Great Fauchino and the prevailing narrative really are unqualified and don't know what they're doing?
their specialty in Infectious Diseases and not Hematology/Oncology, like Dr. Prasad, disagree. As with Dr. Bhattacharya, Dr. Prasad has no clue as to how a "Focused Protection" program would have been implemented in the midst of COVID-19...neither of them have produced it as yet.
And not the masses of ID doctors you idolize who in reality are sheep who go along with whatever the Great Fauchino said and didn't do their own research.
And you keep dismissing epidemiologists who may not specifically specialize in infectious diseases but they 100% certainly are experts in them. You must not know how epidemiology works.
experts in the right specialty have to say.
Okay, let me be clear. I'm not "anti" expert. I'm anti always-trust-the-consensus-of-experts.
happened to the tens of millions of tablets that the White House took out of the Emergency Stockpile and started pushing them out to Hospitals and Pharmacies that never asked for them.
It's been over 4 years now since then...no records of where they actually went...never mind the total lack of testing to justify their usage. I'm beginning to think this is just a "Side Hustle" for Trump-aligned 'Snake Oil Salesmen' preying on unthinking MAGAs...you wouldn't be caught up in all this, would you?
Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/10/31/trump-hydroxychloroquine-stockpile-pharmacies/
I've tried to explain this to you over and over, but your pride is more important to you than having an accurate grasp of the facts
Oh well.
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Sweden’s outcome was orders of magnitude better than ours. Schools remained open, so young children didn’t experience the catastrophic consequences that ours did. Trying to learn to read over zoom? Ridiculous. Our students have been set back and many will never recover from this lunacy. Many sank into depression and mental illness from the lack of contact with peers. Indeed, the students most harmed by our destructive approach are the most vulnerable in our society…inner city students kept out of school for 18 months by their powerful teachers unions. Shameful.
Furthermore, rather than engage in a scientific debate, Fauci and Collins attempted character assassination. This is documented by actual emails sent by these people.
Your narrative on all aspects of Covid is completely bankrupt, but you weirdly simp on. You fool nobody.
higher than its neighbors."...btw, Sweden backed off it's 'Herd Immunity' strategy.
Oh, and Dr. Sten Vermund, former Dean of Yale's Medical School...AND specialist in Infectious Diseases + Epidemiology...DID debate Dr. Bhattacharya...see my earlier post for the full debate.
Link: https://www.businessinsider.com/sweden-covid-no-lockdown-strategy-failed-higher-death-rate-2021-8
I tried over and over to get him to read Dr. Risch's extensive research on why hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc and azithromycin actually was an incredibly effective treatment in preventing Covid deaths, and why every trial saying it didn't work was flawed (they weren't conducted the way HCQ+ was supposed to be used), but he stubbornly refuses to this day to read it.
Oh, and that mask study in the NEJM that Ty hangs his hat on concerning two school districts in Massachusetts alleging masks worked? Dr. Vinay Prasad, professor of EPIDEMIOLOGY at UC-San Francisco (so he actually is an expert) points out that that study has been debunked by multiple other epidemiologists.
But Ty trucks on in his own world.
You cite two experts, yet there are thousands in the field who disagree...not very logical on your part.
Sweden has had 2,682 deaths per million, Finland 2,153 and Norway 1,204.
But why do you keep comparing Sweden only to those two countries? Let's look at some other European countries who shut down and masked up:
France 2,556
Germany 2,182
Italy 3,261
U.K. 2,762
Spain 2,606
Poland 3,196
Austria 2,486
Portugal 2,774
Belgium 2,946
Just to name a few. And again, all these countries enacted stringent measures, yet you conveniently ignore them. And frankly, Finland didn't do that much better statistically than Sweden.
I'll admit you're probably the best on the board at presenting facts that, on the surface, "prove" what you're saying. But when you add in accurate context, that's where your positions fall apart.
...from the linked article...
Throughout much of the pandemic, Sweden has stood out for its ostensibly successful effort to beat COVID-19 while avoiding the harsh lockdowns and social distancing rules imposed on residents of other developed nations.
Swedish residents were able to enjoy themselves at bars and restaurants, their schools remained open, and somehow their economy thrived and they remained healthy. So say their fans, especially on the anti-lockdown right.
A new study by European scientific researchers buries all those claims in the ground. Published in Nature, the study paints a devastating picture of Swedish policies and their effects.
...and here's the 'Nature' article...
btw, if it makes you feel better, Sweden's COVID death rate was only 5.6X that of Iceland and 2.8X that of Norway...but still very much higher than similar countries who instituted Lockdowns, Masking, etc. during the pandemic...i.e. further evidence that Jay Bhattacharya is the wrong man to lead our NIH.
Link: https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2022-03-31/sweden-covid-policy-was-a-disaster
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life years by not closing down schools for this low risk group. It is irrefutable. And Anders Tegnall is at present the most well respected epidemiologist in the world for the lives he saved by bucking the liberal establishment worldwide and being willing to stand up for what what we competent professionals all knew.
GBD "Focused Protection" theory in the midst of a raging pandemic with no vaccines available...utter stupidity...thus an extremely poor choice to run the NIH.
btw, Baron...given that his theory had never been implemented before, there is no way you can claim he was "Right"...just more "Made Up Stuff" from you.
Maybe such as not falsely saying HCQ+ didn't work?
But let's put that aside. You keep saying his (and two other learned epidemiologists') GBD plan had never been tried. So what? What we actually did was never tried before, either.
I find it very interesting you truly believe you know more than these epidemiologists.
calling COVID-19 just like the Flu and saying it would go away on its own by Easter.
You were there...don't you remember?