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Plea deal that did not include Federal Indictments, since in his judgement they did not merit such penalties...that is a FACT. Then the GOP turned up the political heat and introduced wording that jeopardized the promised immunity for HB. While politically it gives DJT cover, from an objective POV, the pardon is IMO justified...besides, DJT has already shown he'll pardon anyone for anything so long as they show loyalty to him...regardless of the damage done to the country...like trying to overthrow a free and fair election.
Now compare that to Hunter having an unloaded gun for 11 days...and paying all his taxes plus interest and penalties...not exactly a threat to the nation, or anyone in it.
And you keep claiming incorrectly there is "no evidence" of Joe's corruption when there is tons of circumstantial evidence. Even the left wing mainstream media quit saying "no evidence" and started using the term "no direct evidence."
the gun charge...thus underlining the lack of seriousness/severity justifying a trial in HB's charges. Her issue was with the 'Construct' of the Deal...not the objective. While that was going on, the GOP was ramping up its attacks on HB and JB.
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/26/us/politics/hunter-biden-plea-deal-charges.html
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...attached are the NYT's Standards for Journalistic practices...why would you choose FOX over the NYT?
Link: https://www.nytimes.com/editorial-standards/ethical-journalism.html
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Link: https://youtu.be/dKob6b8QzkU?si=SxDl3YuYi-kcUDdn
with him. Because idiot Americans voted in as the chief Executive of our country he's been protected from consequences.
Biden has never remotely been close to being someone who breaks laws, but MAGA really tried in order to make themselves feel better adoring a retched human being like Trump.
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Speculate all you want, but MAGA news is not a reason to convince me.
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in his estimation the cases didn't warrant any...and as for JB, Comer, et al, after 2 years, still haven't found any corruption by him. I'm not hopeful you'll ever be able to process this reality.
Who is "The Big Guy"?
Like any plea deal in America, defense counsel wanted finality for his client, particularly contemplating the prospect of Trump 2.0 prosecuting Hunter for Ukraine malarkey.
The understanding going into the plea by both parties was that all investigations re Hunter would be done and dusted. When plea was held up because the inexperienced judge had technical questions re the diversion part of the plea, Weiss caved to “sweetheart deal” pressure from the House, and thereafter would not commit to finality on other potential criminality.
Keep in mind that no evidence of other financial crimes (Biden Crime family nonsense) was uncovered by federal prosecutors after 5 years of digging, nor by Comer’s subcommittee.
Nevertheless, Hunter didn’t want to deal with the consternation and cost of having to defend other allegations, even if meritless. That is, he didn’t want a Trump led DOJ playing a cat ‘n mouse game down the road.
That is why the plea fell through.
It is also the #1 reason why President Biden issued a pardon.
Had we been looking at President Elect Nikki Haley, there would not have been a Pardon for Hunter.
Trump winning the election last month was the game changer, knowing the Revenge Tour is about to unleash.
Ya know, to counter selective and vindictive prosecution and for finality.
In your heart, you know this isn't justice. You've seen enough to know that Hunter deserves jail time for years of scumbag behavior. You also suspect that you might know who "the big guy" is, the one who "never discussed business with his son" who is lying. Ah well, your cross to bear.
in years, but did do a few plea deals in the day. Don’t ever recall any including the type of blanket immunity that the defendant wanted. The experienced criminal defense lawyers I have spoken to have said the same thing.
Hunter wanted the Government’s assurance that he wouldn’t be subject to a perpetual MAGA fueled series of criminal investigations, not because Hunter had bodies buried in his trunk, but because his name is Hunter Biden. And the Government agreed, then changed their mind only after the “sweetheart deal” chirping got to Weiss.
Edit: see attached motion
Link: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.ded.82797/gov.uscourts.ded.82797.63.0.pdf
taxes for years have the feckin stones to insist on blanket immunity.? Just cause Daddy is the prez and could pardon him? Too bad Sonny that Daddy’s political enemies may go after you later. Should have thought about that when you weren’t paying your taxes for years on money that you likely didn’t even deserve. Zero sympathy. Don’t want the deal? Fine, let’s go to trial. Then Pops can lie that he isn’t gonna pardon yah. Eff him and Joe. Selfish bastards that gave us the Orange creep back. Like Orange, they care about themselves and family more than the nation.
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Pretending their party is anything but a bunch of liars and traitors
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Was calling Trump Hitler just politics? Will you have a hissy fit when Trump pardons any convicted J6 people who incidentally, will have served their sentences, which Hunter Biden has not done?
them. You think cop assaulters should be pardoned?
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...how do you manage that?...btw, Hunter never ran for high office...or participated in an insurrection.
But no one deserved to lose as much as you guys.
Which D would meet your exacting standard of independence? Jackass.
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