The mind boggles at the myriad ramifications.
For having his computer do some pointless calculations that allowed similar codes to move tortuously slowly among several other computers.
The only thing the Bitcoin blockchain can do is push bitcoins around the world. Inefficiently. It is a crappy facilitator of mindless speculation.
This is exactly what detractors said when it breached $100, $1,000, $10,000….and exactly what they will still be saying when it rises to $200K, $300K, etc.
The detractors will still be smug with their principled opposition while the mindless speculators will be too busy counting their money.
I don't begrudge anyone a profit. Just get the fuck out when the worm finally turns, as it will.
I am more of a casual observer with a modest holding. I understand the arguments on both sides. Is this another tulip bulb frenzy? Who knows, but I don’t take it for granted that ‘the worm will turn’, as you say.
Almost half of America bought into the Orange grift this time around, so it clearly has a future.