Despite not having been asked, the Kenyan Muslim opined from his Osama Foundation pulpit that this election proved that "democracy is pretty far down the priority list" for some Americans.
What a lying narcissistic windbag. Go away.
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hopeful and the other candidate was horrible.
lead us out of the "Great Recession" which, btw, was caused by GOP "Lassiez-Faire" financial policies that leaned heavily on Credit Default Swaps and NO Regulation of them.
While at the same time bringing much needed Medical Coverage to millions of Americans without it...and protection to ALL others who did have HC, but were threatened by pre-existing conditions...and the Republicans STILL DON'T have a viable alternative after all these years.
What has your "Savior" done???...a $2T Deficit Widening Tax Break for those who absolutely did not, and do not, need it. Those who got shafted include YOU...but for some unknown reason, you are blissfully unaware of that fact...just more baggage for the rest of us to deal with.
Revenues to the Treasury, 2017-2021: +22%.
(Trump's first term.)
Revenues to the Treasury, 2013-2017: +16%.
(Obama's last term.)
end of Bush's term (Tax Breaks + "Great Recession")...and then Trump's (Tax Break + COVID pandemic) a search on Tax Breaks ~ Deficits...
Note that during the Clinton years, he left Bush with a Surplus after raising taxes on the wealthy and corporations. The "Trickle Down" theory has never delivered...and certainly NOT for folks in your yourself a favor and start voting for Dems, 'cause they deliver for YOU.
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No wonder dishonest pieces of garbage like you worship the guy.
before him?...that needed Keynesian "Resuscitation" to avert another 'Depression". Now look at the vibrant economy he handed to Trump.
Again...don't forget what he did for 10's of millions of Americans (Red & Blue) who were in dire need of Health Care.
Trump did absolutely NOTHING to benefit anyone in America's Low and Middle Classes...if you'd like more links to substantiate it...just ask...EDIT: I've attached one...
Had an illegal war in Afghanistan. Used his 2nd term to create the worst race relations in this country in our lifetimes.
As for H.C., he created a financial disaster with it.
in 4 years more than any other prez.
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Try as you may, you can't win this argument...but I welcome your attempt...go for it.
He's making threats to Trump.
Hilariously making threats over "if one side does (the same things we did), we must disregard the rules!"
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Stood up and lectured black men on the right way to think. Thought he was The Closer who would lock up The Coronation for all to see.
He's been struggling to handle that. He felt compelled to release a "statement" on behalf of himself and Michelle after the loss, convinced that everyone needed to hear from him.
The problem for the Dems is moving on from what is now an antiquated model… because no one dares cast ANY aspersions in his direction.
He needs to become a respected elder statesman and give up his role as puppet master
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