I listened to his wife today explain that he is changed… and then I meditated on it.
Imagine for a moment that a bullet grazed
your skull just an inch from exploding your brain. It’s a Paul on the road to Damascus moment!
He seems mellower and more human.
Or am I just a geezer with a crush on Melania?
But he won’t, judge him on that!
...he'll never change...for the better...only get worse.
Link: https://www.choosingtherapy.com/malignant-narcissist/#:~:text=Malignant%20narcissism%20is%20used%20to,and%20are%20considered%20largely%20untreatable.
But tell me… is narcissism genetic or developmental.
malady is Incurable...and the link also explains why...Trump will never change...he is and will be as bad, or worse than what you've seen thus far.
You're welcome.
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