grants them freedom to resist radicals within.
This rejection of one of the core tenants of modern American liberalism by the American public was one of the main messages that the Dems have been reluctant to acknowledge.
Many private schools like ND were wise enough to never require faculty signing such foolish and unconstitutional bullshit, but now, the big state universities are following suit.
UM, UNC, Iowa, Texas, and many others in the Midwest are following MIT’s lead.
Freedom of the mind!
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examples of "No Value Grifters" in this Community...
I was never ashamed of my school until I saw that crap. Enough is enough.
affection to some other university that champions discrimination of as many people as possible.
Where all people are judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin.
Shameful for anyone to put the heel of their boot on MLK's face like the DEI folks do.
statement...they linked hands because Black people were being denied their God-given Equal Rights...and the need for "Whitewashing" their homes before sale in this day and age proves there's more to be done...including DEI efforts of that fact...and clearly not just for Black people, but anyone who isn't White, Straight or Christian.
You are getting more onerous by the day.
If the only way you can support your point is to lie, then your position is very weak.
MLK and Hesburgh called for equality. You call for equity, which is a nice term for racist payback. The ND administration would be wise to return to MLK and Hesburgh's dream for our nation, and stop fanning the flames of racism through DEI programs.
Having worked in-house as a corporate attorney the last 15 years, the DEI movement was harmful.
Community...since, by your assessment, they are not adding Value?
No rational school would do this. Happily, ND has never done this in it’s hiring nor imposed this on it’s faculty.
committed to the attached link demonstrates.
btw, here's a snapshot of recent admission statistics...(as you should know)
Stop denigrating and bad mouthing our University.
very few blacks are Catholics or can afford the cost of an ND education.
with respect and dignity...
Read the University's "Commitment" statement.
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individuals who are part of our community that don't possess the Merit, Determination and Intelligence to be included?...that's a very serious insinuation you owe it to us to back it up.
While you're at it, read the University's statement of Commitment to DEI and tell us what's wrong with it.
Do you understand what you read?