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Link: https://x.com/America1stLegal/status/1871255394171199828
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to cause trouble for Xi and his CCP?
Link: https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202409/1320494.shtml
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A coke-head loser (who fucked his brother's widow, posted the action on the internet, and got her hooked on drugs) leading the corrupt grifting of the jackass vice president. Fucking embarrassing. Shameful.
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will very shortly have zero influence on that issue, I thought it appropriate to look ahead at the situation wrt Trump and Musk vis-a-vis China. Seems as though this revelation could lead to some significant policy implications...e.g. what if Xi threatened Elon's income from that Shanghai plant if the Trump admin didn't stand down while China annexed Taiwan?
Inquiring minds want to know..."What's up with Musk/Trump and Xi?"...do you have an inquiring mind?
Edit:...meant as a reply to Cheeks...but applicable to all posters on the thread.
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together, perhaps he might want to shift gears and find out how and why Ivanka Trump was able to get her Trademark requests "Fast Tracked" in the Chinese market. (see link)
Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/22/ivankas-trademark-requests-were-fast-tracked-in-china-after-trump-was-elected/