Fact Finding?
...from Baron's article...which was published by a media outlet that paid $787M for knowingly lying to everyone...and has yet to apologize for that breach of trust...
The GEC, according to reporter Matt Taibbi, "funded a secret list of subcontractors and helped pioneer an insidious — and idiotic — new form of blacklisting" during the pandemic.
Taibbi wrote last year when exposing the Twitter Files that the GEC "flagged accounts as ‘Russian personas and proxies’ based on criteria like, ‘Describing the Coronavirus as an engineered bioweapon,’ blaming ‘research conducted at the Wuhan institute,’ and ‘attributing the appearance of the virus to the CIA.’"
"State also flagged accounts that retweeted news that Twitter banned the popular U.S. website ZeroHedge, claiming that it 'led to another flurry of disinformation narratives.'" ZeroHedge had made reports speculating that the virus had a lab origin.
The GEC is part of the State Department but also partners with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Special Operations Command and the Department of Homeland Security. The GEC also funds the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab).
Can't have the GEC coordinating with professional Fact Finders who also track our nation's VERY ACTIVE foreign enemies...'See No Evil...Hear No Evil'...Identify No Evil.
Anyone have an idea who's side Baron is on?
Best month of Hermione's life! I know you were devastated.
...here's an excerpt from the attached article...
Even among Republicans, frustration with Trump’s disinformation has grown.
Doug Heye, a former spokesperson for the Republican National Committee who hails from Helene-ravaged North Carolina, has taken to X in recent days to smack down some of the more unfounded rumors there.
“Any minute that I see — whether it’s a state senator, United States senator, or a member of Congress or FEMA — taking time out of rescue and recovery efforts that we need to explain, ‘Here’s what’s true and what’s not’ is massively frustrating and we know that the impacts are on those people who are on the ground,” he said.
North Carolina Republican Rep. Chuck Edwards published a remarkable note to his constituents, many of whom lived in hurricane-damaged parts of the state, dispelling some of his own party’s claims. “Nobody can control the weather,” Edwards said in the note to his constituents. Trump has said that the federal government and Democrats have gone “out of their way to not help people in Republican areas” — a point that Edwards refuted in his own press release.
Democrats deal in facts...not misinformation...or outright lying, as DJT is so adept at.
Link: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/10/11/trump-disinformation-immigrants-storm-00183378
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for good reason.
Now, we have a very influential member of the in-coming Trump administration who happens to be the richest man on earth (possibly second to Vladimir Putin) who owns a very influential social media outlet...and he doesn't want it encumbered in any way...regardless of the volume of potentially harmful Mis/Disinformation in it...from whatever source. (Note: VP and DJT are VERY good 'friends')
The real "Dodge" is Musk/Trump wanting to shut down what even Republicans have viewed as a good thing.
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and needs to be dealt with...for the GOOD of ALL Americans...ergo, the GEC, which should remain...and be appropriately accountable to Congressional oversight.
Americans told you to take your desired control over speech and stick it up your ass.
the top of Trump voters' list of concerns. (see link)
Again, back in his first term, DJT and Republicans supported the GEC...what changed?...Musk
Link: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/11/13/what-trump-supporters-believe-and-expect/
And keep losing.
at DJT , and he hasn’t even been inaugurated…I would not be surprised by a major shift in power come the fall of 2026.
"State also flagged accounts that retweeted news that Twitter banned the popular U.S. website ZeroHedge, claiming that it 'led to another flurry of disinformation narratives.' ZeroHedge had made reports speculating that the virus had a lab origin."
We now know it is far from "disinformation" that Covid likely originated in a lab and that your Great Fauchino knew this. Yet the federal government played a part in trying to shut down a free press from reporting on this story...and you think that's okay. Whose side are YOU on?
wiser as to the origin than before you posted.
As for 'ZeroHedge'...check the Wiki Summary, with over 90 references. They're not in the running for any journalistic awards that I know of...and given "Tyler Durden's" family history, it's no wonder that our FBI, etc. keeps tabs on that operation...from the Wiki page...
In September 2009, news reports identified Daniel Ivandjiiski, a Bulgarian-born, U.S.-educated,[c] former hedge-fund trader, who was barred from the securities industry in September 2008 for earning US$780 from an insider trade by FINRA,[40] as the founder of the site, and reported that "Tyler Durden" was simply a pen name for Ivandjiiski.[2][41] FINRA rulings show Ivandjiiski worked for 3 years at New York investment bank, Jefferies & Co.,[42] as well a number of hedge funds, the last of which was Wexford Capital LLC, a fund led by former Goldman Sachs traders.[43] One site contributor, who spoke to New York magazine in an interview arranged by Ivandjiiski, said "up to 40" people could post under the "Tyler Durden" pseudonym.[2] The same New York magazine article, published on 27 September 2009, stated that Ivandjiiski's father was Krassimir Ivandjiiski,[2] a Bulgarian publisher and editor of the pro-Russia right-wing conspiracy theory website Strogo Sekretno ("Top Secret"),[1] and monthly publication Bulgarian Confidential, since 1994.[d][1]
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_Hedge
I'll hold out that .0001% chance it came from a bat.
And for you to think it's okay for the FBI to "keep tabs" on someone for what is a free speech issue is also chilling.
the origin of COVID-19...don't hold your breath.
As for "Free Speech", you should know by now that not ALL speech is "Free", or lawful...check out the Wiki overview of that subject.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_free_speech_exceptions
Skills that you don't possess.
I mean. if you make a statement based on FACTS, you must have them...seems logical to me...unless you really don't know the FACTS. What's it going to be?
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Gotta hand it to you, Tyrone, that's some serious dedication to deluding yourself.
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had no evidence.
actors bent on tearing down America, expressed their opinion...and given the related evidence found by a GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee Report of Russia colluding with the Trump campaign to get him elected...it's not beyond the realm of comprehension that 'Hunter Biden's laptop' was a product of that effort. Heck, even Trump employed a "Quid Pro Quo" to create false claims against Hunter and Joe...btw, DJT's ambassador admitted...under oath...that it was a sham.
You are on the wrong side of all this.
matters to you if it fits your narrative. Got it.
with the Trump campaign to get him elected...AND...Trump himself tried to create a false claim of corruption by the Bidens...the Opinion of those experts is more likely than not.
Bottom Line...BOTH Russia and Trump engaged in corrupt efforts to help him win election...AND...YOU are OK with that. Not something I would want to be associated with.
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of COVID-19...and anyone who asserts...without evidence...that it definitely came from the Wuhan Lab...it lying and should be held accountable.
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Accountable for doing the exact thing you are describing.
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Open your eyes, jackass.
Yet they keep lying and we keep pretending to believe them." A description of living under communism by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Full Stop.
vote of 359-54...and the Senate by 87-10?...of course you didn't...nor do you care.
Looks as though Musk and Trump don't care anymore either about mis/disinformation being spread around.
Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Engagement_Center
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Or that he's grown as a person and you have not?
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Because that's the type of shit you are advocating for. You don't believe in independent journalism. You don't believe in free speech.