Dem military Deep State (Gen Milley) was secretly working with China behind the back of the POTUS (Trump),
Dems let China get away with dumping COVID on us all (which conveniently changed election Voter ID laws be bypassed in their favor) - kill all investigations the moment Biden takes power.
Dems put Russia in spotlight as US's greatest threat (a threat to be sure, but not even close to the greatest one) while ignoring the the greatest threat - China.
1 + 1 = 2
a corrupt Ukraineian board
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Also known as "The Big Guy".
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There's a reason the pardon goes back to 2014.
which helped convict DJT for corrupt use of funds in an election campaign...or his corrupt Trump University funds...or his corrupt Trump Foundation funds. You're barking up the wrong tree...assuming you want corruption eliminated.
You WISH your boy was no worse than his opponents...but the FACTS don't back you up. After all these years, one would think you'd wise up...hasn't happened yet.
Which is why you are frustrated, which is why the emergence of the three dots. The truth will set you free. Independent thought will set you free. Have you considered stepping away from Maddow for a bit?
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Crackhead routed money through a bunch of LLCs and reserved 10% for "The Big Guy". The big guy used 3 aliases to cover his tracks and avoid FOIA. JRB Ware then issued a blanket pardon for any crimes that may have been committed going back 11 years to the time when the crack head was receiving the foreign money.
That's the evidence. Normal people question this.
hypothesizing, but if Comer couldn't find it, neither will you. Here's an excerpt from the linked Time Magazine summary...
Have other government officials used aliases?
Yes. It’s not unusual for high-profile government officials to use alternate names in email addresses for security reasons.
Obama White House officials publicly addressed the use of pseudonyms in official government email addresses a decade ago. In 2013, when the Associated Press reported that Obama Administration officials were using email addresses under different names, Jay Carney, who was White House Press Secretary at the time, described it as "a practice consistent with prior administrations of both parties" that makes "eminent sense." If high-profile officials "are inundated in one account with either public emails, or spam or the like, then they can continue to use their other account for normal work," Carney said at the time, according to CBS News.
In 2016, then-White House press secretary Josh Earnest confirmed that President Barack Obama was using an email address that was intentionally "not easy to predict" as a security measure. "All of the emails that he sends will be archived," Earnest said at the time.
I keep telling you to 'Research More Before Posting''re not quick on the uptake.
Remember when the official line changed from "Joe never discussed business with his son" to "Joe was not in business with his son".
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It's your religion and a pretty silly one at that. You have zero credibility, zero intellectual honesty and nobody is going to put any credence to anything you say about Trump for the next 4 years. You've made your bed and now you're going to lie in it, literally.
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no evidence of JB corruption has been found...but in true Quixotic form, they soldier on. It would be a lot easier for them to train their eyes on Donald Trump and his Merry Band of Grifters...there's a clear trail of Fraud Cases leading right to them.
Ah, the smell of Hypocrisy in the morning ;-)
Even the left wing mainstream media quit saying "no evidence" in favor of "no direct evidence."
Plenty of circumstantial evidence but the Republicans knew they couldn't beat the deep state or the left wing media on this so they let it go.
You are accusing Joe Biden without any hard evidence…just made up conspiracies…and the GOP has had several years to prove them…yet none have been.
Face reality…you make very poor choices.
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Biden was a corrupt piece of shit. He raised an absolute monster in Hunter and also contributed to the psychological instability of his daughter. His record of corruption extends back to the seventies. Look into how he purchased his houses. Loathsome.
He will go down in history as the worst president in the last 150 years.
evidence of corruption...only manufactured conspiracy theories...and a Quid Pro Quo attempt by Trump that led to his House Impeachment...
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