I just want to be sure we are all on the same “the buck stops here” page.
Link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Paddock
to have it buried 'cuz of, ya know, racism and Islamophobia pearl-clutching?
Hey, conor, do you reckon when cops are on patrol in high-crime areas, they should pay more attention to males than females?
distress (the #1 cause of rejected security clearances, btw), with no way out. Totally irrespective of who was sitting in the White House.
Link: https://apnews.com/article/las-vegas-shooter-9bbd180cf3aa6d3ea1a37bbfb7144ae1
They can also be involved in drug deals. Not that many unaccompanied women late in such areas. They tend to stand out and will draw attention by both bad guys and cops.
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Your merry band of culture warriors have increasingly turned off the Southern white boys who were always the foundation of the military. Now you have 70% of the military overweight or obese. Reckon that is also influenced by diversification (chuckling)? Which groups are disproportionately obese, conor? Now, I know that too is a product of the global conspiracy against people of color, but it don't make much them thar sense for building an effective military. But what do I know? Maybe we can roll our men and women onto the battlefield and transfix the enemy with fourth wave feminist queer theory?
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Link: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2019/12/12_27_2019_16_54.html
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The military is the best it’s ever been in many ways…too many ways to count.
First off, what do you know about the military? 70% overweight? Total bullshit.
And your view of the state of military is comical: we continue to have the top military in terms of training, equipment, and technology.
I work with many government contractors and I’m regularly in meetings with Navy and Marine corps officers. I also venture onto MCRD and Pendleton. I rarely see anyone that’s overweight.
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There are troops of all sizes in the military. In combat arms, if you can’t hump your ruck, run, and other physically strenuous activities, you’re not deploying. Here’s the most important thing…Every special ops, combat arms (infantry, armor, et al) units are ready to deploy and conduct combat operations anywhere in the world within 18 hours. This was the standard when I was in and it hasn’t changed. Your insinuation that our military has suffered recently is false. You’re welcome.
your buttons. There are many of them.
The problems with recruiting, and, specifically, recruiting the right men, is also well-documented. Literal Congressional testimony you can watch of Pentagon officials admitting this.
With regards to the Internet "radicalizing" Muslims...so, you're saying it's only going to get worse? Heh. I'd vote for more Dems to have creatures like this one coddled (He was apparently reported twice while in service for making Islamo-terrorist statements) and importing more Muslims into the general population. It's worked so well in Western Europe!
Everything I’ve said is fact. You post incorrect stats that are easily refutable.
And I’ve made myself clear when it comes to Islam. Read my posts about the subject for the years. It’s a religion that’s been bastardized by radicals…a minority that dominates the majority. I don’t think we’re in disagreement on that.
.....fitness and necessary physical ability (ie strength) do sound to be a real issue in the enlisted ranks these days.
And I doubt the validity of your source(s). Sorry…
Our military is the best prepared, trained, and equipped in the world. Those that can’t hack it, aren’t deployed. Those are very very few.
.....you won't change your mind anyways. I'd share more if I weren't worried about them being somehow caught up in retribution.
You are a fool if you think things haven't changed to accommodate the DEI agenda. In fact, it isn't possible to use the old standards and accomplish it.
and how incredibly Hypocritical you Are.
Your crap about the military is nothing more than theory/rhetoric. Stay in your lane, Doc.
I'm done talking about this because this is the extent of the information that I have to offer on it. But, I trust these men whom I have known since they were born.
Please share the branch of service and the unit if possible. I’m not trying to drag this on…I’m just curious if your friend’s kids serve in a combat arms MOS.
Also, I know there are fat bodies” serving in the military. Also know that “fat bodies” have never rendered a unit “undeployable”.
....that the physical requirement testing was watered down ridiculously to allow for some entries to be allowed in. They did share some specifics, but it boils down to:
If someone needed to be dragged out of combat, or if someone were in any hand to hand combat, it would be an issue for some.
I can't share the branch. Both of these men are fit, but i think that it is in the back of the minds of many that they will have liabilities next to them in combat.....fully willing to give their best, but their best isn't good enough.
And yeah, that is exactly why the old standards used to be in place for soldiers, police officers, etc..
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Of course you don’t know shit about this vertical. Security is only a small part of government contracting. There are suppliers, logistics, intel, tech, and much more that’s needed to support our military and its war fighters.
Keep making a fool of yourself. This is fun.
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Homosexual males are not overrepresented in child molestation.
Nothing here amuses me more than when you folks go into full fantasy/male-believe world.
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Goes to show you that anyone is subject to radicalization. I’m sure more will come out…any international travel, computers, emails, contacts, et al…
Well, one us, probably.
At your middle school. Just kidding…
In seriousness, some believe that up to 50% of Islam is radicalized. I’m believe the number is lower, but more than 100 million are radicalized to a degree.
There are difference levels of radicalization…Sharia Law, Iran sponsored terrorists, Al Queada, ISIS, et al. The latter being the worst.
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Major reason why Politics in EU is shifting towards the right. Globalists plans are being exposed. Who in their right mind thought open borders, defund the police and Liberal Attorney Generals was a good idea.
Many Dems have served as president and guess what…
Our government structure hasn’t changed. Pretty cool, huh?
here. They love recruiting immigrants from third world countries. Specifically, they hate you. You just don't realize it. You're a problem in their eyes.
All of which come from allied countries. Nothing burger.
Where I’ve seen problems are from an ideological nature. Case in point…Muslims that get radicalized via the internet.
he knows nothing about.