Oakland, CA, who served as a DEI instructor for the FBI, who claims that she didn't know but should have known that the City of New Orleans was holding the bullards in storage to be used for the Super Bowl in February 2026, who has not commented on but knew or should have known that an outside security firm hired by the city had informed the city that Bourbon Street geographically invited a terrorist type of motor vehicle attack, who has presently been holding impromptu personnel press conferences for anyone who will listen that niether she nor the mayor who hired her are liable in anyway for the event nor the injuies suffered by any people stemming from the terrortist act on Bourbon Street.
Ohhh, the mayor; that would be Latoya Cantrell, who also claims that she did not know notwithstanding that she should have known that the City of New Orleans was holding the bullards in storage to be used for the Super Bowl in February 2026, who also has not commented on but knew or should have known that an outside security firm hired by the city had informed the city that Bourbon Street geographically invited a terrorist type of motor vehicle attack. Son - of - a - gun, I almost forgot, Mayor Cantrell is heavily bogged down in a bribery scandal involving of all things, . . . football tickets!
Is there a DEI proponent on here who can help us to understand how any of the above is not a gigantic sh*t stain on the DEI culture or the motto of the New Orlean's Police Department to: "To Protect and to Serve?"
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The Chruch is quite clear in its' teaching that allowing the ends to justify evil means is clearly immoral.
BaronVonZemo's Rules of Liberalism:
Liberalism Rule #1 - accuse others of that which you are/do.
Liberalism Rule #2 - the rules apply to thee and not me
Liberalism Rule #3 - We know what is best, thus the ends justify the means.
Liberalism Rule #4 - We believe ourselves to be smarter thus, we cannot admit that we are wrong.
i. Admitting mistakes undermines the premise of being smarter, ergo self correction is not possible.
Liberalism Rule #5 - What didn’t work last time, will work next time (see 4 i.)
Liberalism Rule #6 - When we lose, change the rules.
i Whenever convenient, change the definition to suit our goal.
Liberalism Rule #7 - Appeasement is the best deterrent to foreign conflict.
Liberalism Rule #8 - TotallyDifferentism - when we do something that we don’t like others doing, it is always “totally different”.
Liberalism Rule #9 - Equity through inequity (any difference must be equalized by pulling down the
unaffected party. Vengeance is preferable).
Liberalism Rule #10 - We support our representative speaking regardless of the truth (in contrast to
conservatives who support the truth regardless of the representative speaking it).
Liberalism Rule #11 - We vote on personality over policy.
Liberalism Rule #12 - Genetics are selective. We believe that sexuality and guilt are genetic, but gender is not. Scientific proof is not required.
Liberalism Rule #13 - Do SOMETHING! When a crisis happens, do SOMETHING! It doesn't have to have to work, but it must: a) make us feel better which is more important than actually solving the crisis, and b) advance the liberal agenda.
Liberalism Rule #14 -"You’ll have to show us a lot more than rock solid, irrefutable evidence”.
Liberalism Rule #15 - There are no universal truths. The truth changes to fit our needs.
Liberalism Rule #16 - The Expert Threshold. If a false narrative has enough “experts” backing it, it becomes truth regardless of evidence to the contrary. “Experts” are defined as those who support the narrative, and they can be conjured if necessary (because of Liberalism Rule #3).
Liberalism Rule #17 - Charity ends at home. It is accomplished through the government with other people’s money.
Liberalism Rule #18 - When failure or bad behavior is completely undeniable, distance yourself from complicity to salve your guilty conscience.
Liberalism Rule #19 - Guns don’t kill people, liberals with guns kill people. Violence comes from the Left.
Liberalism Rule #20 -Only guilty life is precious. Innocence makes us uncomfortable and thus must be eliminated.
Ramaswamy, Krishnan and Dhillon"...
The incoming Trump administration is taking shape, stocked with combatants in the bitter offensive against D.E.I. — championing choices whose main qualifications for running a major government agency or representing America abroad seem to be willingness to lie about an election, Trump family ties and looking good on television.
At least some immigrants, along with Mr. Musk and Mr. Krishnan, will have a place in the federal government under Mr. Trump. Even the person picked to run the civil rights division at the Justice Department, Harmeet Dhillon — who is expected to wage war on wokeness — is a Sikh born in India.
Even MAGA needs immigrants, it seems.
...while not on his GPA, he gets an "F" in the one "class" that every graduate should have passed.
To help him and others retake that class, I've attached the combined CSC, ND Administration and ND Board of Trustees' Commitment to DEI.
Link: https://diversity.nd.edu/our-commitment/#:~:text=We%20affirm%20the%20transcendent%20dignity,in%20which%20all%20can%20flourish.
on Bourbon St of this threat years ago well before this police chief. They wouldn’t have prevented the attack as the terrorist would have just driven around them on the sidewalk as he did the police car blocking Bourbon St. at Canal. Even the GOP governor recognized they wouldn’t have stopped what happened. As he said, the guy could have just driven down the sidewalk on Canal St. and done the same thing. But yeah it’s all DEI. Sheesh.
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