McCarrick, McElroy - San Diego (now DC), Cupich-Chicago, and Tobin- Newark (Joseph Tobin...there is another orthodox Bishop Thomas Tobin from Providence who recently retired as well for those who might be confused).
These are the problem spots in our American Church - the three appointed atypically by disgraced Cardinal McCarrick whom Pope Benedict removed to live a life in reflection and prayer for his actions....who then Pope Francis brought back until far more came out (on McCarrick).
Notice these guys gravitate to the power and notoriety. The doctrine lives on however. God has a plan.
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They appear so far to share his uber liberal philosophies. McElroy was appointed as a cardinal instead of the incredibly strong (but conservative) San Fran Bishop whom was passed over. I suspect for this very reason and appointment.
I fear that bad influences wish to dip the Church into politics in a bad way. I hope not, but God will protect the Church, and He has a plan.
You can tell that this is true concern based on those who support McElroy for this posting. We need to pray for him (and them, and us).
When I reread my post,
(I had said:
"McElroy is one of defrocked Cardinal McCarrick's appointees"...and "defrocked" adjective applied to McCarrick, not McElroy. I changed it so that there would be no misunderstanding by someone choosing to read it differently. None of McCarrick's appointees have been defrocked nor to my knowledge have been accused of the things McCarrick has been.
I do have concerns about who McCarrick would choose though.
Baron are on a roll tonight spreading mean-spirited gossip...rules for everyone else by you.
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philosophies clearly align enough for McCarrick to choose them to jump ahead of more experienced and worthy, traditional catholic bishops.
whatsoever. Making Stuff Up to advance his own version of what the Catholic Church should represent. Rules for everyone else...but none for him.
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justifies Baron's insinuation?
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judgement of even GOP leaders, an Insurrectionist...yet Baron praises him and finds no fault, while at the same time patting himself on the back as the shining example of a "Practicing Catholic"...makes everyone else act like his signature emoji ;-).
And Biden cannot be a "devout" Catholic if he supports legal abortion.
...I've attached the Wikipedia overview, with references, for you and others...and be sure to listen to the ProPublica tape recording of children crying as they are being separated from their parents...many of them Forever. Then reflect on what Pope Francis and Cardinal McElroy are concerned about.
For almost 20 years now, my wife and I have helped serve to needs of tens of thousands of immigrants and the homeless who work hard every day to meet OUR needs for food, construction, hospitality work, and many other jobs. When I hear you talk the way you do...and support such a totally amoral person like Donald Trump...I just have to shake my head. These people are good Human Beings that this country truly need to recognize that and support our bipartisan legislators in finally passing the Immigration/Border Security Bill they already crafted.
As for the Abortion comment...when women are attacked or coerced into pregnancies they never wanted, they have the right to end that process, if they choose to. btw, if you'd like we can discuss that issue...just start another thread.
If my mom and dad went to live in another country, they would have taken me with them - like other parents do - and not abandon them with other relatives or to an orphanage.
that? Jackass.
read that? was in all the papers (maybe not FOX or NewsMAX) and resulted in Trump having to release an Executive Order rescinding the Policy (but unfortunately without any effort to re-unite those families)...yet, he wants to take another whack at it with Homan and Miller.
btw, as mentioned, there's an audiotape of some separated kids crying for their Moms and Dads...have a listen...probably will warm your heart.
None without IDs. None without vacinations. Without background checks. Children parentless. Mostly young adult males from all over the world. How about it Pope? Vatican is a huge place. Get the sleeping bags, fold up beds, blow up mattresses going and start housing the "migrants". Feed them. Clothe them. Educate them. Provide free medical care. All at the Vatican''s expense. Bring in your celeb friends too. It worked out so well at Martha's Vineyard.
are desperate to find a safe haven for themselves and their families...and we NEED many of them. It's an on-going problem that requires Congressional action, which even Trump called for in 2019. Make sure you call on him to get a bipartisan Bill passed right away...just like the one the Senate passed not long ago. And as a good Catholic, make sure that DJT doesn't re-start separations of children from their parents. Rest assured, Pope Francis and Cardinal McElroy will be watching, on behalf of ALL Practicing Catholics.
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racing thoughts about this and so many other issues.
You'll drive 20 minutes out of your way to avoid the illegal migrant encampments, homeless streets, and ghetto neighborhoods. Americans are generous as hell. American Catholics are generous as hell. The pope is another one who needs to shut it and direct his focus on the Church and governments of these countries that these unfortunate people are coming from. for myself, I'm Walking the Talk.
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That's my claim.
oppression with compassion and how Jesus would want them treated. Which is not how Orange, Sturmbanfuhrer Homan, and Stephen Miller want to treat them. He’s the Pope, you expect him to say just deport 9 million of them and in many cases tear their families apart?
In addition, under your definition of a devout Catholic all abortions without exception should be outlawed.
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want to work, contribute and have a better life should be allowed to stay and given a pathway to citizenship.
those people...then report back to us about all the 'Rewards' they are enjoying. Of course this is hyperbole, but you can read about the real life stories of these people and understand what suffering they have already gone through to get here.
Are the some we don't want entering?...Yes...but we certainly can separate them...humanely...which is all that our Pope and Cardinal...and all true Catholics are asking for.
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and right that we’re all wrong when clearly you haven’t been paying attention to our posts.
more CBP officers...hundreds more ICE officers...100+ High Tech Fentanyl scanners at our Border Checkpoints...funding for Deportations of those deserving such action...AFTER being given Due Process from the additional funds for more Immigration Judges and Investigators...etc, etc. This is what the Biden administration has been fighting for since Day 1...and they succeeded in getting our Senate to pass such a Bill...Only to have it Killed by DJT so that he could continue railing against "Open Borders"...
All of this has been discussed ad nauseam, but you still don't comprehend it?...back away and do some research before posting...a LOT of research.
You are on record as saying those who successfully broke into the country and otherwise are not breaking any other laws should be given legal status.
I disagree.
then an apology is in order, since you made a statement without any substance to back it up...very much 'Baron-esque'...if you get my drift ;-).
I'm serious...back it up. btw, I've attached a post I made (one of at least 60 posts) two months ago favoring the bipartisan Senate Bill solution to our Border problems...clearly not a call for simply letting anyone escape the 'Documentation Process' short, you're "Making Stuff Up"...took me less than a minute to do a Board Search and find it.
History and has the highest level of Theological training in the RCC...see his Wiki Bio attached...btw, his appreciation for John Courtney Murray is a definite plus.
leader? It's clear the Pope does not care for Trump.
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