of course he isn't. yet DJT is a threat to democracy we know who the threat. to democracy is, the clown who never was qualified to ce in White House
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have to be pried from the levers of power.
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In fact, it was known that for weeks, plans were in the works to breach the Capitol building and the Trump Administration shared this information with the House, Senate, City of Washington and the Pentagon.
All four had the authority to call up the National Guard. All were advised to do so. All refused.
contact with...a "War Room" inhabited by leaders of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys who subsequently pleaded guilty to the charge of "Seditious Conspiracy"...no one pleads guilty to such a charge unless they've been shown unquestionable evidence.
You need to start asking yourself why you make such ridiculous choices...and backing Trump is not going to do anything to improve your life...his thoughts are only on how to stay out of prison and get billionaires to pay his bills.
country. If he knew for weeks there were plans to breach the Capitol why didn’t he tell the mob to go home instead of telling them to go there and saying he would too? Why did he hold a rally by gathering a mob on that day telling the creeps it was gonna be wild? Why didn’t he want the mob to have to pass through the magnetometers? Why didn’t he tell Esper to be ready to intervene if necessary? Why did he have a war room at the Willard Hotel? Why did he make no effort for hours to do anything when he knew the Capitol had been breached despite calls to him from members of Congress? Why did he put Pence’s life in danger by his tweet to the mob? You are a sad, deluded sycophant.
words and even worse for example when he warns the Supreme Court justices that we're coming for you.
The fact that people like you still defend, deflect, and deny what he did that day is disgusting.
already legacy he had, and history will not treat him well
has demonstrated total disregard for our Laws and Constitution.
yr president, get used to it.
who colluded with our worst enemy, Vladimir Putin, to win election...and during his first term produced nothing for anyone's benefit who wasn't a billionaire. Why you and millions of others don't care about this is an on-going problem for this country...but it's being worked on. Let's see what happens over the next couple of years.
goes for conor, hizlilself, too.
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Are you an election denier?
voters would make such a mistake?...aside from DJT's obvious flaws, he did nothing for anyone who wasn't extremely wealthy already...he made a mess of his time in office with COVID, and before that produced no beneficial legislation for the 99% of Americans...angered our allies...sided with our worst enemy...and didn't fulfill his biggest promises (No Wall...No Infrastructure...No Deficit Reduction...No Improved HC...etc., etc.)...all the while playing a year's worth of golf, and wasting half of every WH day on "Executive Time" instead of working.
You and too many others have extremely low acceptance standards...at least for GOP candidates.
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" his first term produced nothing for anyone's benefit who wasn't a billionaire."
Demonstrably false. He got rid of the unfair and un-American tax penalty for those of us who couldn't afford health insurance. He upped the standard deduction and child tax credit. He cut numerous and burdensome regulations that allowed business to thrive and employ people.
on anything? Its well accepted you are the biggest blow hard on the board