You fucking dickwad.
Add NOPD Police Chief Grandma Kirkpatrick and the person or persons who hired her. You make the call. Good choices or bad? Keep in mind these officials would have no power at all if it wasn't for the voters.
why the tragic fires in L.A. have unfolded, or why they are so difficult to fight.
>Rainfall in the L.A. basin has been diminishing since records were kept in 1887...with Climate Change perturbing weather patterns and making them more volatile, L.A. got a couple of years with higher than average rainfall in the winters which allowed chaparral to grow in the hills and mountains surrounding the basin...then this past year, they've gotten only ~10% of, LOTS of fuel in danger of a spark igniting it. Add to that condition, higher than average annual 'Santa Ana' winds...That's why the fires started.
>Once the fires started, those 40-80 mph Santa Ana winds accelerated them...and kept fire retardant planes on the ground...also, as mentioned by others on this board, the very high demand for water by firefighters in such a short period of time decreased water pressure. That is why it's been so hard to fight them.
This disaster is another example of why we ALL (including you) need to come together on the threat(s) that Climate Change pose for our human habitation...all over the world...including places like Florida, or the Carolinas with their storm surges and flooding. It's not going to get better...only worse...until we stop pumping copious amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, and learn to adapt to what has been created.
For you, specifically, I can only hope that you learn to settle down...take a breath...learn what's going on around you...and then join in with others in making needed changes...based on facts...not politics.
tiresome. Yesterday Panama and Greenland, today DEI being responsible for massive wildfire damage. They just need about 10% of it to stick.
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It does to Donald Trump...the man should either be in prison or a mental institution...and certainly not in our White House.
Anyone dumb enough to believe what he has to say should consider self-admitting to the second option.
Very high-IQ people (and whether you like it or not, Trump is one of them) often think way outside the box with their ideas. Some may be feasible, some may not.
I had an extremely high-IQ friend (now confined to a nursing home in his old age) who came up with ideas totally out of left field. One of his theories is to use quartz crystals for energy using their vibrations. Another theory was the comet that caused the dinosaurs to go extinct slowed down the Earth's rotation such that they were crushed under their own weight.
Maybe feasible, maybe not.
what's more is they get that energy from the sun warming our oceans, along with low/high atmospheric pressure differences and the Coriolis Effect of our spinning planet. Also, hurricanes start off as 'Tropical Depressions'...and only a few of those phenomena turn into full fledged hurricanes.
Given that nuclear weapons ADD heat to the environment...exactly how would exploding them counter all the 'Forcing Functions' that lead to a hurricane?...when in the process of development (i.e. Tropical Depression ---> Hurricane (maybe)) is it best to explode them?...and HOW MANY Explosions, over how long a time period will to the job?
Some other questions...ships and planes transit those Hurricane, how long must their travel plans be put on hold?...How about nuclear fallout?...where will it all go?...are there any 'Unintended Consequences'?...I'm sure someone can come up with other questions, but how about you, with your abundance of logic and reason, answering the few that I've presented. If you can't, just tweet the questions to you guru, Donald Trump. ;-)
If it were up to me, I'd load thousands of C-17s with Ice Cubes to dump in the tropical ocean regions where hurricanes...and for our southern neighbors, Typhoons...form. ;-)
(hopefully you get the sarcasm)
Speaking of Trump...he is the embodiment of a Walking, Talking LIE...face it and act accordingly.
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But, again what else is new. The at least 4 year clown show giving its sneak preview.
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Lies are not cool with him.
And could you please turn down the heat!
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firefighters and police officers losing theirs. The fires are engulfing wide sections of this huge city as we speak. It's a Community that is not only losing family homes with all the personal treasures that every family cherishes, but also Churches and, there is essentially ZERO CONTAINMENT amidst 40-60 mph sustained winds.
during the George Floyd riots.
get back to the tragedy playing out in L.A...I'm the one showing concern for the "Little Guys" having their shops, homes, property and lifelong treasures being destroyed...not Cheeks...and not you.
Why don't/can't you empathize with the people of L.A.?
Brought to you by MSNBC.
(no message)'s sad you're not the only one.
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