There are ways to dam rivers that also allow fish to travel upstream. There are also ways to collect water when it is high. California had flooding less than a year ago, no excuse to not have the reservoirs full.
And MAS is spot on below.
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You’re the poster child of being ill-informed on just about everything sans diddling chicks under anesthesia.
..and those firefighters are real heroes under real pressure - not just a jump and a medal for them.
No wonder you retired to avoid further medical malpractice law suits. Your first smart move.
You’re not smart enough to understand how this all happens.
You’re not brave enough to admit your mistakes to get it fixed either (Rule #4and#5).
I’ll bet you grant Newsome a pass.
But don’t worry, Trump Adm would never withhold aid based on your politics like Biden’s did.
I’m a Reagan Republican, dummy. I didn’t vote for Newsome, but to blame him or any politician for a natural disaster is very “Trumpy”. You’re worse than libs that blame innocent gun owners for mass shootings. You, like libs, politicize natural disasters when it’s politically advantageous to you. You’re the worst kind of American. Too much of a pussy to serve, however you talk a big game on a message board. There’s no chance you’d say this shit in person. Spineless and gutless.
No, you’re a fucking lib now.
Man up and cut the “I’m a moderate” bullshit that the liberals always see themselves as.
This one was hilarious. Newsflash: you aren’t a conservative (years of posts showing this), and those pants don’t make you look thin.
There were plenty of republicans that didn’t vote for your lord and savior. I suppose you label all them “libs”, too.
In your world, everything is black and white. You’re a binary brained dunce. I feel sad for your family…if you have one.
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Natural disasters. Maybe we should hire fortune tellers.
Would be a good start. Instead, we have Newsome doing an podcast and trying to save his political career. And let’s not forget the mayor being in Ghana on a state funded trip. I would hope the voters will learn going forward but I doubt it.
But hey, at least California is beautiful.
You live in Florida if I’m not mistaken. When hurricanes destroy your state, the nation sends its sympathies…not ill informed political bullshit.
Filing reservoirs is more complicated than you think. California had record rainfall in early to mid 2024. Capturing the rain is another story. The rain fall is so fast and the land is so sprawling, reservoirs barely capture 10-15% of the rainfall. This is a double edged sword. While it makes the landscape green, it also creates future kindling for fires. The bottom line is that it’s impossible to stop these fires before they happen. I’m not saying that forestry management is the best, but they can only do so much.
Good times and bad. I’m not sure what was ill informed. Newsome did do a podcast this week trying to save his political career, the mayor was in Ghana on a state funded trip and the reservoir was empty. I feel bad for the residents but as a liberal on here once said “we get what we deserve” by electing officials.
You may say there is no stopping these fires but how about putting your state in the best possible situation to deal with them instead of cutting budgets and having a bullshit leftist agenda.
With that being said, I’m gonna go wat h football and patiently wait for the Eagles game.
I expect more from you. Maybe thoughts and prayers for the victims and their families. You know…kind of like that private message I sent to you after the latest hurricane that hit Florida.
To be learned going forward. This isn’t the first time California has burned and nothing has been done towards prevention. I’m told how California runs is a gold standard.
Do you think things will change and adjustments made due to this disaster? Will Newsome invest in services to prevent or at least try to prevent it from happening again? Basically, will hard questions be asked and honest answers given?
My apologies for not checking in personally. I didn’t think you were anywhere near these fires and they were damaging any of your property. Hopefully, they aren’t.
Natural disasters. I do think that reactionary defenses can be improved, but that’s anywhere you go. We live and we learn.
Case in point…I don’t recall the political uproar back in 2024 during the Silver King wildfire in southern Utah. Many structures and many square miles burned. No comments about forest management or “clearing” forests of debris.
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I’m also an expert in forest management. The LA and SD fire departments enlist my expertise, so, yes, this all MY fault. Fuck Mother Nature…cast blame like all Trump sycophants. Idiocy fits you.
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from extreme Narcissism...which means that the root cause is oddly enough, extreme insecurity. When challenged, especially with facts, he becomes very animated, irrational and aggressive...but you've no doubt figured this out already.
Leaving Baron to the side...are you at all familiar with the fellow in this video from YouTube?...apparently he has experience in the management of wildfires and in a nerdy way goes through maps, etc. related to the L.A. fires, giving his thoughts/perspective.
Kind of says it all, doesn’t it?
Either they followed your advice with this result, or they ignored your advice but you protect them.
Bad look either way.
Tip: If you feel the need to brag(referring to the unrelated combat vet/successful banker/secret agent 007 stuff), that also kind of tells it all.
Anyways, related to your forestry revelation (which IS pertinent here), no wonder you see it as unavoidable and eschew casting blame. It makes a lot of sense now.
Please continue making a fool of yourself. This is fun.
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Try doing an archive search of my posts. You will see that what I say is true..:I’m a Reagan Republican.
Reagan would have hated Trump as a politician. Trump has bastardized the GOP and his sycophants have done the same. Reagan was a true and dedicated President. He stood for strength, honor, and dedication to our country first. Trump is about Trump…period.
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And on this point, Trump is misinformed. There is always an abundance of fallen trees, limbs, leaves, and needles. We have no way of possibly clearing that and keeping it clear, and it isn't a problem, anyways.
In addition to the lack of water, instead of allowing natural fires to burn, which clears out overgrown forests, these fires are put out. The other major problem is a lack of selective logging, which cuts down on the overgrowth.
Besides, this is God's way of encouraging celebrities to leave the United States.
The left acts like trees aren't a renewable resource.
Avoid cutting down old red woods and then I’m all for it.
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