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the Dems must. have a patent on lying
...which struck a note as i have heard other liberals say the same thing.
In the day, the libs loathed Reagan. They tried every trick they knew at the time to ruin him, but Reagan was teflon. He just spoke to the people directly, and they couldn't touch him. Then his policies went on to generate decades of prosperity and Reagan became ensconced historically as one of the greatest presidents.
Then Dems slowly began to try to rewrite history and what Ronald Reagan stood for and believed, and now they have begun to co opt him as one of their own. I heard another lib on this board misrepresenting Reagan a few months ago as well.
They try to claim it's just about hating Trump and claiming that we conservatives here on this board are his sycophants (Rule #1 btw), but obviously, it goes deeper than that since they still support Obama and Biden which wouldn't even be possible philosophically for an actual Reagan Republican.
Perhaps it is a "cafeteria conservative" thing, but really they don't support anything meaningfully conservative, and they misrepresent and misunderstand Reagan.
I smell a 21rst Rule of Liberalism in all of this.
This whole thing would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.
election 'Call to Arms', and #1Policy objective..."Mass Deportations"...Baron is disconnected with Reality...it is what it is...we see it every day.
Anyone who didn’t vote for or doesn’t like Trump a liberal, correct?
So, what do you think about Dick Cheney, George Bush, Jeb Bush, Colin Powell, et al? All can’t stand Trump, so I guess they’re liberals. Makes a lot of sense.
I can accept the moniker…”Cafeteria Conservative.” I do have some progressive views, but the majority of my political views mirror Reagan’s….strong military, lower taxes, reduction in some governmental regulations, legal immigration, anti-Russia, Pro NATO,…
You know damn well that Reagan would hate Trump as president.
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spell it out for you.
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Strong work.
You make name calling easy.
Trump can only be matched by Triple F. DFH is way more reasonable than Triple F though.
For a long time, it looked like Trump was down and out for various reasons anyways, yet the support of the radical liberal agenda by these supposed "Reagan Republicans" persisted. Support of programs antithetical to everything Reagan believed and stood for.
They are not what they think that they are. I could care less if they like trump or not.
Reagan Republicans are "policy over personality" while liberals are "personality of policy" (Liberalism Rule #11).
but that is expected. Address my comment above about Bush, Cheney, Powell and many more lRepublicans. They hate Trump (hated in the case of George H W Bush)
Do you believe them to be liberals? Of course you do. You’re stupid like that…and it’s “I couldn’t care less.” Dumb ass.
Trump hating isn't the issue. It;s the policies that you supported that define you.
I guess they’re a bunch of liberals, huh?
No, you wanted to support the BidenHandlers policies because you agree with them.
You merely hide behind "I hate Trump". You could have voted 3rd party or write in also.
I can tell you why I voted for Trump though.....policy, not personality. I support most of the policy.
I did not list out disaffected Dems like Tulsi Gabbard or RFK JR as reasons for how I voted though. That's what you did. And it's a pretty crappy justification for supporting
extreme liberal policy if you're really a "Reagan Republican". But it's ok, because we all know that you are not that. Not now.
Link: https://www.foxnews.com/media/texas-am-cancels-conference-trip-excluding-white-asian-students-after-governor-backlash
And I highly doubt it’s true based on your history of fallacies. Given the way Trump treated Jeb, I’m positive W didn’t vote for your boy. You are insane
I'm impressed at your Jedi mind abilities to declare that he didn't vote for Trump and then use it to justify your own liberalism.
Link: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/bush-trump-harris-endorsement-election-b2637610.html
if true, at least he didn’t compromise his integrity and vote for Trump. Good on him and all Reagan Republicans that did the same.
You just got done complimenting the choice by "Reagan Republicans" to write in a 3rd option (and I would not question someone's conservative bone fides for doing that). But you didn't do that. No you voted for the BidenHandlers. Did you not think of that option?
Heh. Maybe considering.
But no, Occam's Razor applies - you voted for the BidenHandlers instead of that third option because you support their Leftist agenda.
"Reagan Republican" indeed. Stop lying to yourself to feel better - or at least stop trying to pass that off to others here.
I rest my case and give you the last "Oh yeah!"
Who do you think Dick Cheney voted for? Who did he endorse? Is he now a liberal? How about condi Rice? She endorsed Kamala. Is she a liberal?
See how that works? You make no sense and you constantly make shit up.
What I will concede is that you’re a weird, funny, old troll from scUM land. I’m from south western Michigan. I left at the age of 18. Nice place to visit. Dead end place to live:
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And I love how you cherry pick…
You failed to address the others that I listed like Dick Cheney, Colin Powell…. Oh and since you brought up Condi Rice…what about her? All liberals because they endorsed Kamala?
Your surrender is accepted.
And when Trump takes office, he’s our president. Unlike most Trumpers…I will not waste my time and energy bitching about the guy for four years. My hope is that he’s successful in the sense that all Americans benefit. Baron iis too binary to subscribe to this way of thinking. He thinks that anyone who didn’t vote for Trump is a liberal. Idiotic.