lives will be next. I predict that he’ll get the Nobel for 2025. It will be nice to rid ourselves of two horrible wars.
If he pulls a Chamberlain... THAT will be his legacy.
My hope is that he’ll be tough with Putin, but I have my doubts.
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times, Trump has been found to have colluded with our worst enemy, Vladimir Putin, to win our Presidency by a GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee, and sided with Putin against all of our Intelligence agencies publicly in Helsinki should cause any American to be shocked and outraged...especially all of our military service members...who have been trained to fight against Russians and their weapon systems.
Imagine DJT being an ordinary citizen and applying for a security clearance, with such documented evidence...not a snowball's chance in Hades that he gets he's President and unrepentant for what he's done...never mind the hiding and obstruction of Top Secret documents.
Trump has consistently chosen enemies over our National Interest...that is inexcusable...and a genuine threat to millions of lives...American lives, that you yourself once swore to protect.
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…can you refute them?…or come to an alternative conclusion?…if so, please share your own opin
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helping Trump get elected...this is not an "Alice in Wonderland" document. Now add in the findings of that GOP-led Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Trump's CAMPAIGN MANAGER, Paul Manafort, passing internal polling data to a Russian Operative, Konstantin Kilimnik, and you have additional evidence that Russia...i.e. Vladimir Putin definitely wants Donald Trump to be our/his U.S. President.
You're by no means naive, JH, and you've put your life on the line against Russian SAMs, you have to know that "Making America Great" is the LAST thing Putin wants, ergo he believes that having Trump in the Oval Office is to his advantage. THAT is NOT in America's interest...especially, when Trump WELCOMES all the efforts that Putin has expended.
Party or Country?...what's it going to be?
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Even if he stopped an asteroid from hitting Earth, they wouldn’t.