Odd that he didn’t do this for the past four years….maybe it was because….oh lemme see…..he can’t!
I would tell BidenHandlers to control their puppet, but I believe they are radical enough to try this.
Link: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bidens-constitutional-change-legal-experts-cynical-irrelevant
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claiming that he was somehow merely trying to be symbolic and give the effort another kick start.
then 2000.
Just a reminder that but for the assassination attempts, we may have had this corpse as COC until he turned 102 at the end of these next four years.
Hemorrhaging subscribers- they still do the same behavior because they have hired left wing journoactivists rather than honest professional journalists.
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keep its stock price from plummeting by not telling the "Whole Truth"...which is that JB is lawfully using his position to set the stage for a final decision on Women's Rights.
Odd that Baron, being an OB/GYN cares so little for Women's Rights.
More dishonest backpedaling and biased protection of a mentally infirm POTUS for whom they reflexively continue to dishonestly provide cover.
You have learned nothing from your lies…..as predicted by Liberalism Rule #4.
BaronVonZemo's Rules of Liberalism:
Liberalism Rule #1 - accuse others of that which you are/do.
Liberalism Rule #2 - the rules apply to thee and not me
Liberalism Rule #3 - We know what is best, thus the ends justify the means.
Liberalism Rule #4 - We believe ourselves to be smarter thus, we cannot admit that we are wrong.
i. Admitting mistakes undermines the premise of being smarter, ergo self correction is not possible.
Liberalism Rule #5 - What didn’t work last time, will work next time (see 4 i.)
Liberalism Rule #6 - When we lose, change the rules.
i Whenever convenient, change the definition to suit our goal.
Liberalism Rule #7 - Appeasement is the best deterrent to foreign conflict.
Liberalism Rule #8 - TotallyDifferentism - when we do something that we don’t like others doing, it is always “totally different”.
Liberalism Rule #9 - Equity through inequity (any difference must be equalized by pulling down the
unaffected party. Vengeance is preferable).
Liberalism Rule #10 - We support our representative speaking regardless of the truth (in contrast to
conservatives who support the truth regardless of the representative speaking it).
Liberalism Rule #11 - We vote on personality over policy.
Liberalism Rule #12 - Genetics are selective. We believe that sexuality and guilt are genetic, but gender is not. Scientific proof is not required.
Liberalism Rule #13 - Do SOMETHING! When a crisis happens, do SOMETHING! It doesn't have to have to work, but it must: a) make us feel better which is more important than actually solving the crisis, and b) advance the liberal agenda.
Liberalism Rule #14 -"You’ll have to show us a lot more than rock solid, irrefutable evidence”.
Liberalism Rule #15 - There are no universal truths. The truth changes to fit our needs.
Liberalism Rule #16 - The Expert Threshold. If a false narrative has enough “experts” backing it, it becomes truth regardless of evidence to the contrary. “Experts” are defined as those who support the narrative, and they can be conjured if necessary (because of Liberalism Rule #3).
Liberalism Rule #17 - Charity ends at home. It is accomplished through the government with other people’s money.
Liberalism Rule #18 - When failure or bad behavior is completely undeniable, distance yourself from complicity to salve your guilty conscience.
Liberalism Rule #19 - Guns don’t kill people, liberals with guns kill people. Violence comes from the Left.
Liberalism Rule #20 -Only guilty life is precious. Innocence makes us uncomfortable and thus must be eliminated.
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