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Link: https://x.com/billmaher/status/1880471158677729688?s=61
If climate change is producing more severe conditions more often, you have to do more than pray for rain after the fact.
Do controlled burns. Have more firemen and equipment
ready to react. Have the reservoirs filled. Do not impede insurance companies in risk management.
Have plans to accommodate the displaced.
Or sit on your dead ass and blame the
Republicans for everything.
overlooking the history of L.A., as well as some of the efforts already underway to be better prepared for meeting the water needs of the area...this video helps explain how L.A. got to be where it is, 'water-wise', and what efforts are being made to deal with shortages...btw, the attached link speaks to why there wasn't enough water "Pressure" in Pacific Palisades.
A not to be forgotten fact is that PP's water infrastructure was designed for putting out a few house or business fires...NOT thousands of acres engulfed in a Wildfire...for that you heed special resources like scores of AirTankers for spreading fire retardant and water...which were GROUNDED due to the hurricane force Santa Ana winds...unlike in the many previous wildfires around the L.A. Basin. It is not an easy matter to fight a major wildfire with just hoses. One other thing, a lot, and maybe most, of the fire transmission was "House to House"...not "Tree or Brush to House"...meaning that Building Codes and Fire Protection Codes need to be upgraded...lessons learned.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsuBmAVqR7I
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As it is, this fire is probably far worse for the climate than all the cars in California have been for quite some time.
or possibly arson?
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For the people he is bashing and will continue to blindly vote for the same way. Preaching on TV is one thing, actually making a change to way things are being done is totally different.
will manage things better ignoring the fact liberal policies are what’s to blame.
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button or not...so hard to keep track.
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But it's your team who are constantly fucking everything up, so you claim nothing could possibly have been done.
Fill the fucking reservoirs. Hire more fucking firemen. Stop throwing buckets of cash at useless homelessness NGOs. Nothing these clowns do makes anything better. Get angry! They are wasting your fucking money, Tyrone. Grow a fucking backbone.
water-wise, and make note of efforts that were/are already underway to hold onto water from winter storms. CA has NOT been sitting on its hands when it comes to dealing with wildfires...the big problem is that the Sierra and Colorado Rockies snow packs are dwindling as Climate Change/Global Warming dries out the West/South West.
Take a peek at what's happening to the Colorado River and the 7 states that border it....
Look, this is truly an 'existential challenge' for us, but more so for our kids and grandkids...let's not make it harder for them by denying CC and its obvious effects...not just with drought and wildfires out West, but flooding and hurricane wind damage to FLA, GA, SC, NC, et al. With all the CO2 that's already in the Troposphere, its not going to get better for several decades...our goal needs to be getting it to stop increasing before 2050.
Get your stupid head out of your ass. Making your neighbor buy a Prius (I know you won't buy one yourself) makes no difference. At all.
Invest in some competent local government. Enough with the trans bullshit.
with no appreciation for how to maintain an economy while transitioning from one energy source to another. China is a world economic power...and wants to be #1. In order to do that, they need energy...lots of it...NOW...so they build plants with what they already have and can quickly implement...that's coal. But...unlike you...they realize that's a finite source...one estimate gives China ~35 yrs of reserves at current consumption rates...and so, they are gearing up for Nuclear Power to be the "Grid Level" source of power in their future (~2050)...not unlike what our expectations are. (See linked article)
btw, I'm a former engineer in aerospace and then an engineer/manager in the Nuclear Power field...other folks on here are attorneys, teachers, Doctors, golf pros, etc, etc. Just to get a sense of your expertise for this discussion, share yours if you don't mind.
Link: https://world-nuclear.org/information-library/country-profiles/countries-a-f/china-nuclear-power#:~:text=Prior%20to%202008%2C%20the%20government,400%2D500%20GWe%20by%202050.
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aggressively fighting for more spending on something of unknown magnitude in the future...caused in large measure by Climate Change and requiring higher taxes?...as the saying goes..."Asking for a friend" ;-)