"The CIA has today revealed its belief that COVID-19 was likely leaked from a Chinese lab after years of denial under the Biden administration.
A spokesperson for the agency said on Saturday that they now favor the lab theory.
Officials said that there is no new evidence behind their shift in opinion - it is based on the same evidence they have been mulling over for months.
'CIA assesses with low confidence that a research-related origin of the COVID-19 pandemic is more likely than a natural origin based on the available body of reporting.
'CIA continues to assess that both research-related and natural origin scenarios of the COVID-19 pandemic remain plausible,' the agency said in an announcement on Saturday.
The spokesperson added that they have 'low confidence in the judgement' and would continue to evaluate any new intelligence or relevant information. "
In short, nothing has changed...and you're just as gullible over 'click bait' as ever. On a more serious note, the Medical Science Community wants to know the true origin of SARS-CoV-2 more than anyone...regardless of where that was. Their only goal is to keep all people...including MAGAs...as healthy and safe as possible. Just remember that they need biological, scientific proof...and they don't have it yet.
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From the second they learned that China's only level 4 lab working with coronaviruses was in that city, one thousand miles from the nearest bat cave, everyone knew that the lab was the PRIME suspect. Time has only confirmed that initial intuition. No natural hosts ever discovered. China wiping the web of the inventory of viruses held in that lab. A Corona virus suddenly developing a furin-cleavage site (heretofore unknown). etc etc etc.
Even Tyrone knows it. But he thinks it might hurt his team or something, so he engages in insane disinformation about the whole thing. So fucking weird.
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The board reads much better with several posters on Ignore.
We all know who they are.
Fewer locked threads and suspensions.
A lot less repetitive drivel.
misinformation is being spread, I'm going to call you out on it...for the benefit of others who aren't afraid to discuss such matters, as in this case where you and BVZ failed to read your own link...to wit...the CIA has "LOW CONFIDENCE" in their judgement AND have no new information...i.e. NO PROOF.
Examples like this point toward an assessment of LOW CONFIDENCE in your ability to comprehend simple statements.
misinformation posts and those simply meant to provoke for fun's sake. One has to pace one's self, but it's a target rich environment, and a WIN every time ;-).
would just count on people not reading the body of post or a link and then go on to further the falsehood of something already covered and proven wrong.
I suspect (as do several others) that he was a paid poster - he showed up just before the '20 election and was pretending to be politically neutral and just wanting to talk about issues. But his schtick became quickly apparent, and he underestimated the caliber of the board.
If he was paid, I doubt that he would be at this point given the failure of his party as well as his failure to convince people here.
Thank you for the heads up, but I don't give any credence to his nonsense. He is a hard line Marxist, he loathes Catholic doctrine that cannot be piggy backed upon to advance his political agenda. He googles and then pretends to be an expert, but he does not know how to apply the information that he uncovers - on just about everything. His efforts at medicine during COVID were transparently ignorant.
He has been proven wrong on every COVID issue that was under contention between us, yet both his pride and his lack of understanding will not allow him to admit to any of it.
I am not surprised to hear you say that he has gotten personal - all else has failed for him.
That's about all anyone needs to know about the guy. I'll interact with most board members, but I have no time for the disingenuous.
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...when are you going to own up to your deceit?
btw, "Joe" passed away a little while ago and I flew out to join his family at his well-deserved Military Funeral Honors...it was a true celebration of a good man's life. You would not have been welcomed.
hiding behind the "Ignore Curtain" but nonetheless peeking, you're proven wrong again by the CIA which admits it has no new information and "Low Confidence" in its assessment...therefore, nothing has changed among serious Infectious Disease/Virology experts...of which Baron is not one. Speaking of ID Specialists, Baron may be a bit uncomfortable with the fact that I have.such a very accomplished expert right in my extended family, with whom I can consult and make sure that what I post is the truth. He wishes that weren't true...but just a sure as he is an OB/GYN, my Doc is an ID Specialist.
BTW, another piece of misinformation from Baron is his claim that he has ever proven me wrong...just the opposite, which REALLY makes him uncomfortable...i.e. his failures to read beyond the titles of papers from MIT and the NEJM...both of which put his "Anti-Masking" for COVID-19 campaign in the dumpster.
If you really want to prove how superior you are on any of the matters that we clash on...Man Up and show the entire Forum what you've got...Engage. Not holding my breath on that, but always hopeful.
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to prove the origin of SARS-CoV-2...which obviously moots his claim...he is who he is.
There is literally a one in a billion chance it originated naturally in the exact same city that housed a lab studying the exact same coronavirus.
not clear enough for you?
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question when it comes to that measure.
would serve you well
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Cue some cockamamie lib manifesto.
BaronVonZemo's Rules of Liberalism:
Liberalism Rule #1 - accuse others of that which you are/do.
Liberalism Rule #2 - the rules apply to thee and not me
Liberalism Rule #3 - We know what is best, thus the ends justify the means.
Liberalism Rule #4 - We believe ourselves to be smarter thus, we cannot admit that we are wrong.
i) Admitting mistakes undermines the premise of being smarter, ergo self correction is not possible.
Liberalism Rule #5 - What didn’t work last time, will work next time (see 4 i.)
Liberalism Rule #6 - When we lose, change the rules.
i) Whenever convenient, change the definition to suit our goal.
Liberalism Rule #7 - Appeasement is the best deterrent to foreign conflict.
Liberalism Rule #8 - Totally Differentism - when we do something that we don’t like others doing, it is always “totally different”.
Liberalism Rule #9 - Equity through inequity (any difference must be equalized by pulling down the
unaffected party. Vengeance is preferable).
Liberalism Rule #10 - We support our representative speaking regardless of the truth (in contrast to
conservatives who support the truth regardless of the representative speaking it).
Liberalism Rule #11 - We vote on personality over policy.
Liberalism Rule #12 - Genetics are selective. We believe that sexuality and guilt are genetic, but gender is not. Scientific proof is not required.
Liberalism Rule #13 - Do SOMETHING! When a crisis happens, do SOMETHING! It doesn't have to have to work, but it must: a) make us feel better which is more important than actually solving the crisis, and b) advance the liberal agenda.
Liberalism Rule #14 - "You’ll have to show us a lot more than rock solid, irrefutable evidence”.
Liberalism Rule #15 - There are no universal truths. The truth changes to fit our needs.
Liberalism Rule #16 - The Expert Threshold. If a false narrative has enough “experts” backing it, it becomes truth regardless of evidence to the contrary. “Experts” are defined as those who support the narrative, and they can be conjured if necessary (because of Liberalism Rule #3).
Liberalism Rule #17 - Charity ends at home. It is accomplished through the government with other people’s money.
Liberalism Rule #18 - When failure or bad behavior is completely undeniable, distance yourself from complicity to salve your guilty conscience.
Liberalism Rule #19 - Guns don’t kill people, liberals with guns kill people. Violence comes from the Left.
Liberalism Rule #20 - Only guilty life is precious. Innocence makes us uncomfortable and thus must be eliminated.
Liberalism Rule #21 - "I'm a moderate". We are not liberal, we are "moderates" politically - despite supporting every liberal tenant. This is because we consider ourselves to be the fairest and also because we care too deeply about what others think of us.