Shane Schaetzel (@ShaneSchaetzel) posted at 10:30 AM on Mon, Jan 27, 2025:
Here is a video of Catholic Charities teaching illegal migrants how to evade and resist deportation. If you’re still donating to Catholic Charities, or the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), then you are a big part of the problem.👇🏻
Don't know if this advice is legal, but try this the next time you are stopped by an officer of the law. Good luck.
Link: http://(
Do you think those rights should be hidden from them? Sad.
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They have a history of corruption. They promised to have cleaned it up.
What would Jesus do, the Leftists here might ask?...not knowing the actual answer themselves? He would encourage charity. He would not call upon the government to help.
here working here in the U.S., doing jobs that few, if any, native Americans want to do...and at below minimum wages, while paying taxes, but not receiving SS or Medicare/Medicaid benefits. We're actually working with Catholic Charities to help refugees from Syria, Africa, Afghanistan and Myanmar. The organization does a lot more than provide assistance to undocumented immigrants...wouldn't hurt for the government to pitch in on helping people who will eventually become full-fledged citizens...eternally grateful for the opportunities presented to them.
The U.S. is in desperate need of immigrants...let's not shoot ourselves in the foot...insist that Trump finally passes a bipartisan Border Security/Immigration bill, like Biden did.
BTW, Stay tuned to see how many businesses close or sharply raise prices when they can't find the labor they need.
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