with open borders, trans athletes and DEI programs being their main policies. They’re waiting for Trump to slip up or for a disaster to happen like Covid. They have no coherent messaging or policy solution to offer.
soon as prices don’t come down significantly, the deficit keeps rising, interest rates stay high, Medicare drug prices go up and the clown show is is in full gear.
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including the bipartisan bill. It was though too little, too late. The other 2 are sideshow issues as indicated.
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that demographic, but not the remainder...so when, a 'conceptual' issue like our "Democracy" is on the table, the majority of college educated voters "Get It", but many of the others don't. In truth, it's on the Dems to communicate better, but the non-college educated, as a group, will find it hard to do the necessary Critical Thinking to see through a skilled Populist campaign built on misinformation and lies.
Looking to the future, given that the GOP has shifted toward a Plutocracy that serves only corporate ownership and the wealthiest among us (we've been here before...(e.g. 1920's)...it won't be hard to find real life stories that can, and should, be presented to ALL Americans...including, and especially, those w/o a college degree.
Our immediate problem is dealing with DJT who is the Antithesis of a Public Servant. He actually goes out of his way to harm those who don't show loyalty to him or criticize him...(as if such behavior never happened in this country before)...rather than go out of his way to find common ground and 'give something, to get something'...you know...like "Make a Deal" which would build trust for the next Deal...and the one after that...and when combined, help to....get this...."Make America Even Greater"....sound like a good idea?...sure it is...but we know that is impossible for an off-the-charts Malignant Narcissist...his brain doesn't work that way...so, we have to work hard on our Representatives and Senators to pick up the slack...contain DJT...and hopefully get positive bipartisan legislation passed.
In which case they showed their lack of practical intelligence.
You've lost the youth, the working class and large segments of the black and Hispanic votes.
the loss was due to a combination of Misogyny, Racism and Inflation. On the latter point, JB had actually produced better results than any other developed country, and the DNC didn't communicate those facts very well, nor expose DJT for his ineptitude...it will be very different next time in 2026...when Trump's record will be there for all to see, along with the voting records of GOP House and Senate candidates.
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for which I researched before posting. Then, there's your opinion.
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You'll lose to Vance for 8 years and continue to lose Congress is the path you are on. Trump should have been super easy to beat.
cabinet members that "Centrist Republicans" wince over, who are very likely to screw up their agencies to the detriment of even MAGA Republicans...so don't go spiking any footballs just yet ;-)...
WRT, J.D. Vance...remember that he's a front man for Plutocrat, Peter Thiel...a very proud Gay man, btw. Should be interesting to see that all plays out.
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"Critical Thinking" on conceptual topics like 'Democracies...Autocracies...Plutocracies, etc.' like many of our well educated Founding Fathers were.
BTW, Jefferson, Madison, et al, knew the value of education and hence the creation of an "Electoral College" was based in part on seeing such people being 'Electors' who would protect the country from "Populist" candidates who could sway the less-educated in the wrong direction...as has happened with Donald Trump...sadly, many of our Electors were corrupted themselves.
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criticized for caring too much...for people in the lower and middle classes who get short changed by GOP Plutocrats who side with the most wealthy in their quest to get even wealthier at everyone else's expense.
Just betting the odds, I'm guessing you aren't one among the Plutocrats, so be sure to keep an eye on how much tangible benefit DJT delivers for you and your family, as opposed to his circle of friends.
They learn it on the Joe Rogan podcast.
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Link: https://www.insidehighered.com/news/government/politics-elections/2024/11/08/men-and-white-people-vote-differently-based-education
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