...this is from 2024 before the election, but bears repeating, since we are seeing DJT follow the playbook...seeking to remove all oversight and accountability to Americans...i.e. he wants to become the CEO of America...and end any other party's opposition. Not the sort of thing our Founding Fathers had in mind, at least in my educational experience.
Oh, the horror.
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on what Rachel has exposed about him...
I for one don't believe that our Founding Fathers had a "CEO" in mind for running this country...they had just rid themselves of one.
You should be asking yourself "why?" the next time you are urged to post a Maddow link here. Who is your intended audience and will they show up?
My view on JDV is that he's in the group of "can't be worse" and/or "It's not obvious he's terrible". If Maddow hates him, that helps me like him.
everything she says...get your head out of the sand and listen to the Truth for a change...and if you think you can find one unsupported falsehood...let us all know about it.
This hiding from the truth needs to stop...grow a spine and see what honesty looks like.
You are blue MAGA.
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