don’t like?
I have zero worries about those people who followed the law and became naturalized normally. They showed respect rather than disrespect for our laws.
this, but he fails to even try to understand...from the attached link...
At the heart of this issue of undocumented immigrants and taxes is the fact that U.S. immigration and taxation laws are misaligned. Agencies are singularly focused on their own mandates: the IRS is interested in maintaining a broad tax base and collecting all taxes owed to the government, regardless of the source, whereas immigration enforcement officials want to enforce the law against unauthorized work. Meanwhile, other actors within the system, including employers and workers, are doing the same. Addressing these conflicting interests would require legislative change and implicate millions of taxpayers, which means the current state of affairs will likely prevail for the foreseeable future.
Baron's hero,Trump, could have addressed these issues and many more by supporting the bipartisan Senate Immigration and Border Protection Bill...instead, he killed it.
(no message)
I have to wonder how this guy made through any law school.
Please note that Conor's Biden Adm rubbish report also does NOT count the illegal border crossing itself or forging SSN etc as a crime when comparing crime rates to actual citizens.
And of course, the Biden Adm has been trying to hide illegal crime data for their own political benefit. They would not even acknowledge Laken Riley’s murder.
(no message)
“Civil violation” sounds a lot less bad way to refer to a crime though.
…such data is not possibly reliable since -
A) undocumented immigrant crime cannot be accurately tracked by definition
B) crime reporting requirements were changed by the Biden Adm which has led to documented under reporting and politically motivated reporting
C) It is irrelevant since American citizens are not able to be deported and its legal citizen criminals & law abiding are its responsibility to manage. That is not the case for those here illegally. Comparing crime rates, were it even possible to be done accurately is not only irrelevant, it is inane.
Now, understanding your lack of critical thinking ability, I draw you back to my Q which you avoided:
How can we possibly trust a person to follow our laws when their first act is to disobey one of our laws that they don’t like?
Answer: You can’t.
It should be expected they will continue to breal laws that they don’t like.
Yet, you want to judge millions of poor undocumented immigrants who snuck into the United States and thereafter led productive and law abiding lives, raising children who have served our nation, and contributed significantly in many ways as US citizens.
Jesus agrees with me.
I know the specific crime involved with illegal immigration. Nobody know to this day the federal crime that the Dems falsely convicted Trump of doing. The American voters agree with me too.
Now, answer the question.
I’m actually trying to decide.
I know they committed a crime ad their first act coming into the country. Why would I not expect it to recur when the law is not to their liking.
There are many who are not the hard working stereotype you portray them all to be. There are dome who are. And there are some who are nasty criminals.
But it would seem those who don’t respect our laws have self selected themselves ad compared to those who sacrificed to be naturalized and enter legally.
Please tell me the federal charge that Trump was specifically accused of in his NDA case so that I can tell him.
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