The American people still voted him in. This guy can say (racist shit after a plane crash) whatever the F he wants and knows no one can do dick about it.
Never thought we'd see a time when low information voters would be the majority.
since when do Dems care about crime anyway?j
Voting shouldn’t be your goal. Your goal should be to learn what is a democracy and the American Constitution.
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Though after this many years of racist policy such as affirmative action being mainstreamed, I’m not surprised that you would view MLK’s actual views as racist.
Sad that you’d view merit regardless of characteristics as racist.
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Not just a few carved up sound bites
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base that he claims to love so much.
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There was a tranny guy named Ryan something or other from Boston who was arrested w molotov cocktails, knife, etc at the Capitol. DC reported a man was arrested. Meanwhile, lib Boston tv outlet reported that a woman named Ryleigh something or other was arrested in DC for attempted violence st the capital.
The MSM is confused about themselves!
And Q blames Trump
For “inciting” the mom into violence and then believes others are “low information”
voters (a term initially used by Rush Limbaugh to describe people like Q)!!!
You can’t make this up.
Too funny.