1) There will never be peace in Gaza if left up to Israel and the Palestinians.
2) The U.S. doesn't need to be nation building.
Sounds like we would just be doing the clear out and the contracting.
I t may not be the solution, but the old way has failed enough to know it'll do so again.
I like the fact that someone is thinking outside the box.
This IS in America's interest since Hamas has attacked the US as well, but also since a healthy Israel in the ME is critical to the US interests.
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Sure thing.
and especially the Middle East...always with the "_______ will pay for it"
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As Golda Meir said: "There will be peace in the Middle East only when the Arabs love their children more than they hate Israel."
That is why the "Riviera of the Middle East" would fail, too. The Gazans will want to kill Israelis and Americans more than they want their children to grow up in peace and prosperity.
making solid progress with Saudi Arabia and others Arab nations toward a Two-State Solution for the Palestinians, along with a 'Mutual Defense' Pact between the USA/SA...Then the Iran-backed Hamas attack happened. (see...https://www.brookings.edu/articles/making-sense-of-a-proposed-us-saudi-deal/...)
Peace can be achieved, and should be pursued, so long as it involves a Two-State Solution for the Palestinians and Israelis...right now, there are, according to Thomas Friedman, three road blocks that must be cleared away...and they involve three 'Regime Changes'...as described in his NYT Opinion piece (...https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/16/opinion/israel-iran-gaza.html...)...1) PLA leadership change away from Abbas to one of many capable alternatives...2) Replacement of Netanyahu with a moderate, favoring the Two State Solution (they exist)...and 3) Iran Regime change...not likely anytime soon, but not impossible.
Israel is critical to U.S. Security in that sector of the world...plain and simple...but that link is at risk if we stiff arm the Arab nations, which is what Netanyahu and Trump are trying to do...to the delight of Vladimir Putin.
Link: https://www.dw.com/en/has-palestinians-perception-of-hamas-changed/a-70021640
governed by horrible leadership of their own making which has been as much their enemy as Israel. And the 10/7 atrocity has forever tarnished their aspirations IMHO. Even the feckin Irish were able to overcome the IRA and the Ulster nationalists. These people keep stepping on their own dicks.
And 10/7 may have driven a stake into it.
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Amy effort to build a Palestinian state beside Israel must be preceded by the elimination of Iranian involvement in this region… at least as long as the mullahs remain in power.
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