"Eliminate Looting of Our Nation by Mitigating Unethical State Kleptocracy (ELON MUSK) Act"
...from Rep. Pocan's announcement...
If a position like a “special government employee” has the authority to recommend spending decisions by agencies, they could clearly steer federal spending to their own self-interest. Like the bans on receiving federal contracts for Members of Congress and many others in the federal government, it is imperative that no “special government employee” should have the opportunity for personal gain, especially in areas where they can direct federal taxpayer funds.
This is no joke.
Link: https://pocan.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/pocan-introduce-elon-musk-act-ban-federal-government-contracts-special
Government more important than citizens, in your mind.
Then again, we always knew where you stood. Government and party first! People...an afterthought.
not part of it...plus...he has a HUGE Conflict of Interest stake involved with his "decision making"...how did you manage to miss those points?...actually I know...you choose to avoid seeing and accepting the truth. You are a lawless person...how did this happen?
(no message)
when he leaves office...one of them for 'Seditious Conspiracy' leading up to Jan. 6th...but go on with your accusation of Dem violations.
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The Inflation Reduction Act (that, if anything, exacerbates it.