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Link: https://www.akingump.com/en/insights/blogs/trump-executive-order-tracker/keeping-men-out-of-womens-sports
issue won't work...either way. I agree with all that she has to say on this issue...and in particular the part that deals with WHEN a Trans child wants to compete. For biological males transitioning to female sports competitions...'Puberty' is central to the decision, as explained in the attached article.
Let's not forget however, that through no fault of their own, Gender Dysphoria kids need acceptance, care and treatment for their condition...which Trump and too many others mindlessly turn their backs to.
Hopefully, you're open minded enough to appreciate what Ms. De Varona has to say.
Link: https://www.swimmingworldmagazine.com/news/donna-de-varona-transgender-swimming-dialogue-must-continue-its-complicated-and-people-dont-like-c
"Let's not forget however, that through no fault of their own, Gender Dysphoria kids need acceptance, care and treatment for their condition...which Trump and too many others mindlessly turn their backs to."
Have you ever read the comments section on YouTube from women when they're commenting on a transgender video? Over and over, they comment how they liked "boy" things and wished they were a boy when they were younger. Today they'd all be in for treatment like you want, but back then their parents pretty much knew it was a phase. And every female commenter says thank goodness back then wasn't like today, because today they'd be transitioned.
...along with the successful reductions in both due to the treatment protocols of Counseling...Medications...and Surgeries.
Evidence, Mark...not Anecdotes.
Link: https://www.psychiatrist.com/pcc/gender-dysphoria-pediatric-transitional-aged-youth-hospitalized-suicidal-behaviors/#:~:text=The%20USTS%20(2015)%20found%20that,about%20suicide%20in%20their%20lifetimes.
And only the insane think they should compete in the wrong category.
...get your head screwed on straight, Jake.
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Hospitals and Medical Professionals have developed treatment protocols based on Psychiatric Medical Evidence to address the needs of those among us who suffer from Gender Dysphoria. It ALWAYS starts with counseling...often moves to drug therapy...and sometimes to surgeries when patients who are adults consent to such procedures, again after continued counseling all along the way. BTW, the "Regret Rate" is very small in such situations. I guarantee you that the staffs at the Mayo Clinic, UCLA Hospital, Boston Children's Hospital and many other institutions are not "Perverts" Mutilating kids.
Your mindset on all of this is severely twisted...and you make no attempt to see the truth. That indicates a degree of Pathology on your part. Get some psychiatric help, Jake.
And certainly nowhere near those struggling with mental health. You're a demon.
Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Surgeons and other Medical Professionals are doing their utmost to achieve the best life outcomes for their Gender Dysphoria patients, and those patients are the better for it.
You would do well to avail yourself of such services...you definitely need it..especially from the Psychologists.
btw, those with GD know they have a problem and willingly seek help...you, however, refuse to see and understand your problem of fear, anger and hatred toward other innocent people...much less seek the needed help.
Drugging and slicing up confused children before they develop is up there with the sickest things imaginable, and I appreciate you owning your support for it.
"Really" happening...i.e. Children with Gender Dysphoria are not only thinking of committing suicide, they are actually attempting suicide,...and too often succeeding. Educated, Professional, Caring and Moral Physicians and Nurses...with children of their own...work as a team to change that behavior, save lives and make them much happier.
Watch this video from just one of those physicians from among many others in 59 Hospitals across the nation and LEARN...instead of Imagining...
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1.5%. Now show us the data that would indicate that giving dangerous castration drugs and physically mutilating these children's developing bodies would favorably impact the 1.5%.
And I totally reject any effort to censor opinions on its etiology.
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tries to expand federal executive order power even further. You know limited govt and all that.
Not good, IMO. but that's where we are.
Without doing any research, I would not be surprised if (1) POTUS could not outrihht, directly bar men from competing in women's sports by executive order; but (2) POTUS could withhold federal dollars from institutions which allow it, and withhold visas from men fraudulently trying to enter the country as women to compete in womens sports, etc.
And, of course, as a federalist and a fiscal conservative, it is a bonus if he withholds federal cash from anyone. Stop stealing from the next generations so that we can play bullshit, antiscience political games.
There may be a women's civil rights issue here as well, but that is definitely not my area. If so, he could direct the DOJ to investigate.
The Dems voted for a lawless Biden, forgiving loans by EO to buy votes when courts said it was illegal, etc., so it is hypocritical for them to criticize Trump for testing the limits of EO power as well.
No one would be happier than I if Congress restored for itself such powers. I think EOs make it harder for other countries to deal with us, and in general cause societal whiplash with each change in power. But, until Congress reclaims its delegated powers, we might as well have a fair playing field. And, judging by the Rally for Bureaucracy, Congress will instead fight for increased powers of unelected bureaucracies, rather than reclaiming their authority. But, we shall see.
Orange? You are a beauty. I wanted Shadow’s thoughts because he seems to know civil rights and employment issues. If he legally can’t ban them and I suspect your suspicion is correct, then he’s just grandstanding as usual. I don’t know if he could unilaterally cut off funds either or if that requires Congress. Roughshod and lawless isn’t a good strategy. I also disagreed with Biden’s EO’s on the loans. They were clearly not legal and were also roughshod. Try consistency in the law if you really are a lawyer.
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I really find this amusing given that these same lib posters here have years of defense of the very thing the decry now in a different setting. Now they are strict constitutionalists again!
I know that they will claim that the SCOTUS upheld it as legal because Roberts viewed it as a tax despite Obama stating specifically on camera that it was not a tax, but they may also hold this up as well.
I have no doubt that they will sue it was ever the expected path.
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subservient SCOTUS.
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