...per Steve Bannon..."Flooding the Zone"...."Muzzle Velocity"...but not a whole lot of thought...which is DJT and his MAGAs weakest point.
Trump lacks impulse control and is undisciplined. He reacts rather than schemes. As a populist he does what he feels his public wants. To a degree his behavior reflects the popular expression of resentment at the agenda of our elites, especially in academia and the arts. These nut jobs took over what was once the party of the average man and woman and they went to extremes. Working class people WERE the backbone of the Democrat party. Not today! Until the Dems purge the WOKE crowd from party leadership Trump will have his way
on behalf of Working Class Americans...Minimum Wage increases to keep up with inflation...Child Care Programs and Tax Credits...Unionization Support...Voting Rights...Health Care for ALL Americans...and each of these initiatives is fought against, tooth and nail, by the GOP, and especially Donald Trump with his $2T tax break for Corporations and the Wealthiest in this country...as the already huge Wealth Gap grows larger, further frustrating the Working Class.
Care to rebut what I've just noted?
Another truth is that the media can't handle it, because they're morons.
of going deeper than most and sharing that insight with the public...a service you'll never, ever, get from the likes of FOX, NewsMax, etc.