It’s a farce… or they wouldn’t dare waste any of the critical funds to save the earth.
More to the point, it’s a chance to create slush funds for the elite to payoff their allies to control power.
It also shows that Abrams and the WH were in cahoots via Jack Smith in the bogus and coordinated lawfare attack on Donald Trump
This is what the Paris Accord would have meant to US tax payers.
I never want to hear about this Climate Change Go Green bullshit ever again.
"Climate Justice" is another ridiculous way for politicians to grift off an outwardly noble cause.
....they called it "Climate funding" to give it cover for abuse....just like all of the other money earmarked for the "Climate Change" scam.
...just Huff & Puff and it will all go more record breaking storm surges in Florida...or record breaking rainfall/floods in GA and the Carolinas...or 100 mph Santa Ana winds whipping fires through brush dried out by increasing temperatures...
Never mind the increasing Billions being lost to these catastrophes...the lives and properties destroyed...Baron will make it all go away with a "Harrumph" and stomp of his foot. In his vacuous mind, nothing is wrong and nothing needs to be done in the face of Climate Changes that even the Oil and Gas industry acknowledges are REAL. BVZ needs to fly back to. his Cuckoo's Nest, where he'll be 'safe'.