And how does he sell this to Putin?
I am waiting breathlessly to hear how he revises his previous positions.
with Russia to explore oil in far east Russia with 30% stake of that venture years ago.
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Reminder: Putin could stop the war tomorrow.
Russia is still attacking, conquering about 150-200 square miles a month.
Blaming Ukraine is like blaming the rape victim…which of course Trump also does, so that makes sense.
You don't like to hear it. Truth hurts.
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Of weakening Russia. Ukrainians will hate you when they review this piece of history after 100 years. Historians will tell everybody this war could have been truly avoided and even it started it could have been stopped in the spring 2022.
You're good at playing victim card. This is your specialty, I admit.
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dictator. How many did you personally wipe out at the Square?
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He’s nothing more than a Chico who spews nothing but Russian disinformation. He hates America, but the Trumpers welcome him with open arms. All true patriots would deetroy him on a daily basis.
We don’t need their oil and they make nothing that anyone in the world needs
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is an attempt to get something for the money the 350 Billion that we have already thrown into this war. There is the potential for reneging (high) as well as loss of land with further invasion, but it is more than the US has now.
I am not in favor of using mineral rights as a contingency to funding further war, and it is my understanding that this is not that. The war must end, and our involvement needs to end now.
I am in favor of offering mineral rights as a means for industry and tax base to crop up in Ukraine which would help them immensely from an economic standpoint in their recovery while also helping the US - that is my understanding of what this is.
The deal would have a further benefit of giving the US a vested interest in protecting Ukraine from further aggression from Russia. Putin would know that any future invasion would impact vital US mineral rights and thus be viewed as a hostile act toward the US as well. Thus, the deal has a deterrent benefit as well.
Most of the aid was sent in form of equipment, weapons, and munitions. The rest was sent for humanitarian needs. Here’s an article that breaks down what was sent…
As with all things like this, we may never know fully. Whatever side of the number you believe, or somewhere in between, it is a LOT of money.
I asked you folks before what would be the dollar amount at which we would say, "No more." I don't recall ever getting a response from any of the Ukraine cheerleaders. Is there any limit? What about $1 trillion? $2 trillion? What amount?
You buy into the BA that’s fed to you by your master. Most of the funds are not hard dollars. Don’t worry, your teachers salary won’t be affected one iota, so you can continue to hide your head in the sand, Neville.
If it was up to me, I would continue to offer aid until Russia agrees to negotiate a legitimate peace deal. Trump could pressure Putin, but that undoubtedly won’t happen due to his idol worship of the guy.
I don't care if only $1 of the aid is actual cash transfers. This is like arguing that offering your assets in lieu of cash isn't putting you into a hole.
Predictably, Zelenskyy caved on this. Quickly. Get used to it. The Corpse isn't in charge anymore.
What’s wrong with Trump negotiating from a position of strength? Putin’s military resources are dwindling, the Russian military industrial complex can’t keep up with demand, the Russian economy is on the verge of collapse…I could go on.
You know why Trump is offering only appeasement, but you will not admit it.
pathetic. Get the "Mission Accomplished" banners out of the Cheny's basement and dust them off!
victimized. Russia is sending severely wounded troops to the front lines. Never mind that Russia is relegated to using old Cold War equipment…
I’m not saying the Ukraine is going to win, but isn’t it up to them if they want to continue to fight for their own survival? Why is it that you’re such a head in the sand weakling? I pity cowards like you. No offense intended
lying about this in public, claiming he shot down the idea. This clown is the spoiled child who has become accustomed to getting everything he wants and now, finally, he may not. Plus, the goofball can't hold an election because he will be voted out of office. Jackass.
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They generally don't mention Lenin and Castro out loud.
Extra work to deliver those weapons.
it was, on a daily basis
For example, the belief that the people on the public dole are being done dirty when the taxpayers want to place limits on their benefits.
“In Brussels, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of the European Council Charles Michel and President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen signed the Joint Security Commitments between Ukraine and the EU.
For the first time, these agreements enshrine a multilateral, long-term commitment by all 27 EU member states to provide Ukraine with broad support in all key areas: military, financial, humanitarian and political assistance for ten years.
At the same time, the document sets out long-term commitments to support our country until it joins the EU, as well as the readiness of the European Union and its member states to support Ukraine on its path to membership.
It reaffirms the readiness of all member states to step up EU sanctions against Russia, to counter attempts of circumventing them, and to cooperate in countering hybrid and cyber threats and ensuring free navigation in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
In particular, this includes the opening of the EU Defence Innovation Office in Kyiv and cooperation between our country and the European Union in the defense industry.
The Joint Security Commitments with the EU complement and strengthen the existing bilateral security agreements with member states. They also enshrine the commitment to support our country for those member states that have not yet joined the Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine.
For the first time, a document signed by the EU with a third country provides for an appropriate consultation mechanism in case of possible future aggression (within 24 hours).
The Joint Security Commitments between Ukraine and the EU were concluded pursuant to the G7 Joint Declaration of July 12, 2023.
Link: Get your facts straight
Not $350 billion. Lie.
The euros didn’t get some weird deal for their aid. Lie.