No wonder these town halls are going so well for the GOP.
Criminal Record...due to get larger...and a Drugged Up, On Again ...Off Again Depressed Kook with far too much money to spend...who currently thinks Naziism is due for a second coming.
The combined noise from all the graves of our Founding Fathers is deafening.
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in djt’s second symphony. Completely asymmetrical and out of tune both as people and as government leaders. This merry band of half-wits and jokers have been given the keys to our Ferrari by the likes of you and baron, what could possibly go wrong?
It’s not that they’re just unlikable as people, they’re thieves and conmen who in normal interactions outside of a political party system would be considered repulsive.
And yet, you support them knowing they’re trying to fleece you for everything you have or will ever have and they’re doing it in broad daylight not even attempting to hide it from us.
What are you, 5?
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Not making that up. Here’s what he said about that name:
“‘X’ represents “the unknown variable”, and ‘Æ’ is an elven spelling of “AI” (love/ artificial intelligence). Last but not least, ‘A-12’ refers to the precursor to the SR-71 Blackbird, an aircraft known for its speed and lack of weapons. Originally, the name was "X Æ A-12," but it was later changed to "X Æ A-Xii" to comply with California’s naming laws. Musk has stated that the name is pronounced “X Ash A Twelve.”
This is the guy who emailed everyone in the DOJ and told them to justify their job by listing five things they did last week.
Has produced.
What is wrong with you?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
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several of those kids...Baron has no "Red Line" when it comes to his 'Value System' long as they are MAGAs...they get his support.
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