Supporting “pro life” legislation to criminalize women’s reproductive choices doesn’t make you a good Catholic.
Try focusing your pretend “pro life” principles in calling out the Trump Administration’s agenda to cut off funding for children trying to survive in “shithole” nations.
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stated wrt fetal Personhood..."...I do not say a person, because this is debated..."...Also, other faiths believe Personhood begins at "Quickening"...or Birth.
Then there's the fact that 60% of fertilized ova cease development before anyone could tell they existed, plus another 10% result in miscarriages...and the RCC has no theology for those real world occurrences.
Let's not sacrifice women's rights as true Persons for a incomplete concept.
Don't pretend otherwise, fraud boy.
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But at least we’re firing generals because of their skin color. So, it’s all cool.