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Link: https://www.nytimes.com/2025/03/09/world/canada/banker-mark-carney-wins-race-to-lead-liberal-party-and-canada.html
He's definitely smarter, but he shares a lot of Trudeau's vision which has been horrible for Canadians.
Look, Trump's not wrong about Canada needing to get it's shit together but the fentanyl ruse is just that. It's not the real reason we're in this trade war. What Trump wants is to rattle Canada's cage and get us to smarten up. There are lots of people inside Canada that agree. The last 10 years under Trudeau have been awful. Our nation's priorities have gotten all out of whack. It's the reason he resigned in January. He was the least liked PM of all time.
For too long, Canada took it's position as the US's #1 trade partner for granted. We've been turning away business opportunities with other countries because we've got the world's biggest market at our doorstep. Trump's aggression has served as a wake up call. I'm not a fan of how the message is being delivered. It's childish and immature and he shouldn't make it about immigration and fentanyl, but it's not wrong. We need to get our house in order, and we need to get started now.
Circling back to Carney, I was disappointed with some of the things he said last night in his acceptance speech. He's demonizing Trump. Trump's not Canada's biggest problem. Trudeau's mismanagement of the country is. But Carney is going to use Trump as his foil to get himself elected Prime Minister and it just might work on Canadians in the upcoming election, but it won't make things easier in terms of dealing with the US.
What Canada needs is a leader that will stand up and admit to the mistakes of the last decade and put together a business plan to remedy it. Trump's threats have galvanized Canadians to change, not to take our relationship with the US for granted. Now we just need to follow through on it. I remain hopeful.
I think it’s fare for him to make that obvious but important statement that DJT, America’s fuckwad is not going to colonize the great white north. Both for all Canadians as well as Americans who do find the absurdity of DJT’s boners upsetting. The rest comes later when national politics is in important to the country.
I think he floated the idea out there to see if it would divide Canadians. He saw our hatred for Trudeau and Trudeau's complete weakness as a leader as an opportunity to maybe grab Canada and secure a legacy for himself. But the backlash up here has been pretty much universal.
He thought he could charm his way into our change room and put his hands down our pants because he's been able to groom so many people in the US. But we turned him down. So he'll get angry and he'll seek his revenge with his tariffs and his harsh talk, but at the end of the day he's going to have to go finger someone else. The tariffs are going to hurt a lot but like I said earlier, it's serving as a wake up call that we need to diversify our economy away from the US. Trump is forcing our hand. So we will.
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Have a family member who grew up and lives in Quebec. He said there are really bad feelings due to the mouth on Orange that are coloring a lot of things. He has joint citizenship.
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Her legacy will be the one whose resignation from cabinet forced Trudeau to resign as PM. For that we're grateful, but she's not PM material. Too many quirks. She's obviously got a medical condition that no one is talking about. I'm not sure what it is. Tourettes maybe? I don't know. It shouldn't disqualify her, but it's just odd.
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a year ago which would have funded more that 100 High Speed Fentanyl Scanners for Trucks and Cars at key border crossing points, like Laredo, Texas that has over 10,000 North Bound Trucks pass through Each Day...some of which have Fentanyl on board.
Trump doesn't actually care about Fentanyl deaths...he just uses them to get elected. Now let's see if he fights for an Immigration/Border Bill that is at least as good as the one passed over a year ago. Remember, only Congress can provide sustainable laws and funding for such things as Fentanyl Scanners that need machines, staffing to run and maintain them, as well as Border Police to apprehend and process violators.
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