I mean, if a pathetic third world country like Russia can intimidate the most powerful nation in history with a decrepit and probably unmaintained nuclear arsenal what's stopping anyone from going this route?
Link: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT2X3verQ/
Hatred and ignorance made you dangerous.
Neither Ukraine nor Europe had any capacity to attack Putin's crypto-czardom.
But like all psycho-narcissists he is bringing his own country down
Bombing Yugoslavia...neocon is the most dangerous warmonger in the post cold war era if we don't count jihadists' terror war. Neocon not only brought instability to other countries, it also hurt American people, ruin the country.
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Thanks for mentioning them, 2 more examples that show neocon is troublemaker, war-maker in the era of post cold war.
...you're not in Russia, Eli...why make a fool of yourself?
btw...you obviously don't like this country, so why stay here?...You could tangibly help Putin's war effort much more over there.
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if NATO survives his time in office.
If only there would have been at least some hint he was gonna act this way.
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