7000 Christians and Alawites entered Russia base in Syria to take refuge. Russia stepped up again. Genocide against Christians and minorities in Syria is underway. 1000 have been killed in past few days.
This post is not asking Trump admin to step up in Syria through military intervention. It just condemns Biden admin that helped ex Al Qaeda terrorist to take over Syria and became a legitimate government.
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least of my brethren? Turn the other cheek? Oh yeah….throw your enemies out of tall buildings. Jesus was big on that one.
You are a real piece of work.
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Putin wants to re-establish the Soviet Union. ALL of his “gestures” are totally phony
Link: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Christians_in_the_Soviet_Union
Today Russia is the country that hold traditional christian value against your western decadence. Ironically the west is in the direction to be sovieted. Just listen to JD's Munich speech.
Link: https://youtu.be/YplqaInHCos?si=4D5xZL26MJkDV3cd
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