as well as destabilized the markets. Soon he’ll destabilize world currencies. What will happen then?
They are finally stepping up, and not relying on our deficit spending to protect them.
Not sure how security is being destabilized in North America. Maybe you are worried about him taking out the cartels?...or an attack by Canada on the US? The former would be stabilizing in the long run...and the latter is ridiculous, obviously.
Sounds like security is being stabilized.
lemonade out of lemons. You really think Putin views Europe as strengthened by Orange?
War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.
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Do you deny that European nations are now taking unprecedented steps to strengthen their defenses?
Re North America, can you offer an example of security being destabilized? Keeping terrorists from crossing border, going after cartels....these are security stabilizing steps.
My news on steps EU is taking comes from EU news sources, not FoxNews.
But, I can see how such an idea (using foreign news sources) would be foreign to you. In my experience, liberals just assume the world is like they are (which is why they do insane things like inflicting US-centric racism/DEI ideas on them even though their histories are radically different than ours).
If you Google "English language polish news" or the like, you can learn a lot.
in their countries acting on destabilizing life there. Reports are stating all of Europe is now having issues too.
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You’d have to be neddie or baron or Eli or Cole or LanceM or checkers to think trump wasn’t a Russian asset. And we haven’t even talked about NATO.
Face it, you’re an idiot.
And they are doing it precisely because of Trump's posturing.
And now today we see Ukraine accepting a 30 day cease fire and Trump re-initiating aid and intelligence sharing.
I suspect you are just listening to your own partisan sources, and not paying attention to what is actually happening over there.
(no message) defense, rather than for us to do it alone by spending at existentially threatening levels. This is basic logic. Why does it escape you?
Oh, yeah, because you are so enraged by Trump and his imaginary pee-pee tape that you thought up, that you can't think straight.
is remarkably foolish. It’s something Putin has been wanting for years. Having the Europeans shoulder more of the burden is appropriate. To shatter the alliance isn’t. How is it possibly safer and more secure? The stability the alliance produced has been the engine of prosperity for all of us and this fool is just throwing down it the toilet.
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