It's really that simple. You haven't played along with the delusion, but you haven't tried to humiliate someone who doesn't deserve it in this context. A lot of independents will look at this and draw conclusions about the party. McBride handled the situation well, as with the bathroom controversy. I haven't read anything about this individual physically attacking women or doing anything objectionable towards other people, so just treat this person like everyone else and let the voters make a decision in a year.
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Adolescents introducing her. She also doesn't get easily distracted or disturbed...just does her job...very well, on behalf of the people in her Delaware district.
If no one ever told you of her background, and she was introduced appropriately...after listening to her speak, and comparing her with many other Representatives, you'd have to rank her highly...and especially now that you see her standing up to grade school level attempts at bullying.
Do you believe that a guy in a dress is a woman?
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Would you consider any person who cannot correctly perceive reality (just for example, biological facts about themselves) as having a mental disorder?
Usually an inability to perceive objective reality correctly is considered a mental disorder. Do you consider an inability to perceive objective reality correctly as acceptable?
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fit for a position of responsibility...and it's not you.
Is McBride a biological male who doesn't recognize that fact?
Honest questions.
the only one that matters.
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she's composed, thoughtful, level headed and doing her job as a Member of Congress...if anyone's deranged it's the people who are trying to spread a false narrative about you. Why do you do this?...what are you afraid of? Is she harming you...or anyone else?
Set aside your special, personal definition of "derangement," which apparently requires a person to be loudly hysterical and incoherent at all times.
It is a mental disorder not to be able to perceive reality correctly, especially regarding simple, obvious issues. McBride has testicles, but McBride thinks they were somehow wrongly attached and don't belong there, and even though McBride is a biological male, McBride doesn't perceive that fact. That is a mental disorder.
There are similar disorders for other body parts. But, you can't yet use those disorders to obtain political power, so you disregard them for now. You are about political power for your party more than anything else.
an elected Representative from Delaware, performing her job admirably with absolutely no sign of mental derangement. In spite of her obvious success in society and politics, you continue to act like a deranged homophobic with delusions as to her mental stability instead of taking care of your own.
why that is....perhaps it's indicative of a sexual dysfunction on your part...but in the case of Sarah McBride, and many others with GD, the Medical/Psychiatric profession has, and continues to, study this condition and has found scientifically supported reason for the potential of biological development being a prime cause for it. (see attached NIH paper). Clearly, their efforts have resulted in very satisfied and productive lives for people like Sarah McBride...which should be applauded and not derided.
As you mention, there are other conditions...e.g. Bipolar Disorder...which are primarily caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, and/or genetics...there is no reason to eliminate such causality with Gender Dysphoria. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that certain drugs, like Lithium, are very effective in helping those with Bipolar Disorder achieve a much more satisfying too, have certain drugs, like 'Puberty Blockers', helped Gender Dysphoria persons. However, in some GD cases that's not been enough, which brings in 'Gender Affirming Surgeries' for a small segment of that population...and btw, the "Regret Rate" for those surgeries by the patients is on the order of 1-2%...
Not sure what treatment would be effective for addressing your desire to hate and persecute others who are no threat to you, or anyone else...but hopefully Medical and Psychiatric professionals will get grants to study that Disorder.
It's very obvious.
and lashing out at them, even if they represent no threat to you or anyone else. That sort of behavior falls under the term "Phobia" might want to have that checked out.
Who should be institutionalized and treated.
an outstanding success...she ran for elected office and the voters in her district see her working hard for them, in spite of mindless insults from those who are much less mentally and socially stable. The true Adult in that room was Sarah McBride.
…watch the video I provided…Rep. McBride is orders of magnitude more mentally stable and composed than you exhibit with your posts on this Forum.
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You are not a psychologist.
Even poor Freud defensively argued that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar… and the he died of cancer from smoking cigars
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