ill prepared counteroffensive, you were the first poster here to post it with excitement. Ultradelusional without a touch of reality.
The author is not a simple man as he claims. I read his tweets. He talked about geopolitics, politicians... He is not a simple man. A simple man doesn't think and talk about these things. He is engaging in propaganda.
He wants Ukraine to join Nato and urged Zelensky not to take nato off negotiation table.
This is directly contradictory to his claim the simple reason he fight is for existence of Ukraine. He actually is talking like a politician and fighting for Ukraine to join NATO. He will fail.
Putin’s military is running out of troops and equipment and he’s being propped up by Zi until he’s ready to reclaim Siberia
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a nation. And a murdering piece of scum like you has no business questioning a patriot like him. Go eff yourself asswipe.
P.S. Russia is still fighting a much smaller nation 3 years into this war. Their military and leadership are embarrassing.
want to drag US into this conflict at risk of WW III.
Your side on the other hand has the most embarrassing military and leadership, unable after 3 years to have beaten them despite overwhelming superiority in every military category and in population and size. It is a survival issue for them shitforbrains.
Typical lawyer, 3rd rate lawyer.
what you believe. You believe that Russia has the military of a great power which says all that is needed about your thinking prowess.
I guess you just need to decide if you are trying to persuade or offend
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